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Family Mottoes
by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

This is a Free Motto resource center containing approx. 9,000 mottoes transcribed from Elvin’s Mottoes, with added mottoes from Armorial Gold’s own Library and from noted heraldic writers.

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Name Motto Translation


Sacheverell En bon foy In good faith
Sackvile Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice Either never attempt or accomplish
Sadler Fide et amore By fidelity and love
Sadler Virtus mille scuta Virtue equals a thousand shields
Sadlier Servire Deo sapere To serve God is to be wise
Sage Industria et spe By industry and hope
Sage Non sibi Not for himself
Sainthill Deeds not words Deeds not words
Salisbury` Sero sed serie Late but in earnest
Salmond Optima sapientia probitas Probity is the best wisdom
Salmons Deo adjuvante God aiding
Salt Quid non Deo juvante What (can we) not (do) with God’s aid
Salter Saturet quies Let rest suffice
Saltmarshe Ad astra virtus Virtue rises to the stars
Saltoun In God is all In God is all
Salusbury Satis est prostrasse leoni It is enough to a lion to have laid low
Salvin Je ne change qu’en mourant I change but in death
Salwey Fiat voluntas Dei The will of God be done
Sampson En Dieu ma foy My faith is in God
Sampson Pejus letho flagitium Disgrace is worse than death
Samson If God will If God will
Samwell Christus sit regula vitœ Let Christ be the rule of life
Sanby Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Sanderlands Spero meliora I hope for better things
Sanderman Stat veritas Truth endures
Sanders Nil conscire sibi nulli pallescere cuplœ To be conscious of (no guilt) to oneself, to grow pale for no crime
Sanders Solem ferre possum I can bear the sun
Sanderson Clarior ex obscuro Brighter from obscurity
Sanderson Libertas et natale solum Liberty and my native soil
Sanderson Opera mundi The works of the world
Sanderson Sans crainte Without fear
Sandes Virtus fortunœ victrix Virtue conquers fortune
Sandford Cor unun,via una One heart, one way
Sandford Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Sandilands Justi ut sidera fulgent The righteous shine as the stars
Sandwich Post tot naufragia portum After so many shipwrecks a haven
Sanford Fuimus We have been
Sanilands Victoria non prœda Victory, not booty
Sankey Sancta clavis cœli fides The sacred key of heaven is faith
Saul Fideli certe merces To the faithful man there is assuredly a reward
Saule Fideli certe merces To the faithful man there is assuredly a reward
Saunders Genitum se credere mundo To believe oneself born for the world
Saunders Invidere sperno I scorn to envy
Saunders Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Saunderson Je suis veillant à plaire I am watchful to please
Saunderson Sans Dieu rien Without God nothing
Sautry Legi regi fidelis Faithful to the king and law
Savage A te pro te From three, for three
Savage Fortis atque fidelis Brave and faithful
Savage Non ignarus mali miseris succurrere disco Not acquainted with misfortune, I learn to succour the wretched
Savary Nocentes prosequor I prosecute the bad
Savery Aut vita libera, aut mors gloriosa Either a life or freedom, or a death of glory
Savile Be fast Be fast
Saville-Onley Alteri, si tibi To another, if to myself
Sawers Virtute non verbis By valour not by boasting
Sawrey Dictis factisque simplex Simple in words and deeds
Sawyer Cherche et tu trouveras Seek and thou shalt find
Saxby Sit saxum firmum Let the stone be firm
Say Fare et age Say and do
Say Fortem posce animum Wish for a strong mind
Scaife Spes alit Hope nourishes
Scales Paulatim By little and little
Scarborough Murus œneus, conscientia sana A sound conscience is a wall of brass
Scarsdale Recte et suaviter Justly and mildly
Scarth Volando retilia sperno Flying myself I despise creeping things
Scepter Fac et spera Do and hope
Scholefield Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Scobell In Deo salutem Salvation in God
Scopholine Spero meliora I hope for better things
Scot Amo, inspicio I love him, I gaze upon him
Scot Ardenter amo I love fervently
Scot Do well and let them say Do well and let them say
Scot Fidelitas Fidelity
Scot Fortis et placabilis Brave and placable
Scot I am ready I am ready
Scot Lucet It shines
Scot Nescit amor fines Love knows no end
Scot Pacem amo I love peace
Scot Potior origine virtus Virtue is better than lineage
Scot Sperandum To be hoped for
Scott Amo I love
Scott Amore patriœ By patriotism
Scott Aut tace aut face Either be silent or act
Scott Do well and let them say Do well and let them say
Scott Donec rursus impleat orbem Until it again fill its orb
Scott Fear to transgress Fear to transgress
Scott Fidelitas Fidelity
Scott Free Free
Scott In recto decus Honour in acting right
Scott In tenebris lux Light in darkness
Scott In the defence of the distressed In the defence of the distressed
Scott Me fortem reddit Deus God makes me strong
Scott Mihi lucra My gains
Scott Nemo sibi nascitur No one is born for himself alone
Scott Non invita Minerva Not against the bent of your genius
Scott Nunquam libertas gratior Never was liberty more agreeable
Scott Pacem amo I love peace
Scott Paterno robore tutus Safe in my ancestral strength
Scott Potior origine virtus Virtue is better than lineage
Scott Pro patria For my country
Scott Ready, aye, ready Ready, aye, ready
Scott Recte faciendo neminem timeas In acting justly fear no one
Scott Regi patriœque fidelis Faithful to my king and country
Scott Reparabit cornua Phœbe The moon will replenish her horns
Scott Spe verus True in hope
Scott Spe vires augentur Our strength is increased by hope
Scott Sursum Upwards
Scott Tace aut fac Say nothing or do
Scott Tenebris lux Light in darkness
Scott Trusty and true Trusty and true
Scott Vive la plume Live the pen
Scott Watch weel Watch weel
Scott Watch wiel Watch wiel
Scott-Ker Regulier et vigoreux Regular and strong
Scougal Tandem implebitur It will be full at last
Scougall Hâc ornant With this they adorn
Scrimgeour Deo, patriœ, amicis To God, my country, and my friends
Scrimgeour Dissipatœ Dispersed
Scrogie Ero quod eram I will again be what I was
Scrope Devant si je puis Foremost if I can
Scrope En espoir je vive attendant grace I live in hope awaiting grace
Scrope Non hœc sed me Not these things, but me
Scrymgeous Dissipatœ Dispersed
Scudamore Scuto amoris Divini By the shield of God’s love
Scudmore A Deo et rege From God and the king
Scurfield Vidi, vici I saw, I conquered
Seabright Servare mentem To preserve the mind
Seafield Stand fast Stand fast
Seaford Non quo, sed quo modo Not for whom, but in what manner
Sealy Concipe spes certas Conceive sure hopes
Seaman Nautis stella refulsit The star has shone on sailors, i.e. seamen
Searle Est Deo gratia Thanks are to God
Seaton Dieu defend le droit God defends the right
Seaton Sperat infestis He hopes in adversity
Seaver Sume superbiam quœsitam mentis Assume the pride of mind which you have acquired
Sebag Deo et labore By God and by labour
Sefton Vivere sat vincere To conquer is to live enough
Segrave Dieu avec nous God with us
Selby Semper sapit suprema He is always wise about (or has a taste for) the highest (i.e. heavenly) matters
Sele Fortem posce animum Wish for a strong mind
Selkirk Firmior quo paratior The more prepared, the stronger
Selkirk Jamais arrière Never behind
Selon Luceo boreale I shine at the north
Selsey Memor et fidelis Mindful and faithful
Sempill Keep tryste Keep tryste
Semple Diligentia et vigiilantia Diligence and watchfulness
Semple Keep tryste Keep tryste
Senhouse Deo gratias Thanks to God
Senhouse Vœ victis Woe to the conquered
Senior Medio tutissimus ibis The middle path is safest
Seras Volando retilia sperno Flying myself I despise creeping things
Seton Forward ours Forward ours
Seton Hazard warily Hazard warily
Seton Hazard, zet forward Hazard, zet forward
Seton Inclytus perditœ recuperator coronœ The famous recoverer of a lost crown
Seton Intaminatis fulget honoribus He shines with unstained honours
Seton Invia virtuti via nulla No road is inaccessible to virtue
Seton Merces hœc certa laborum This is the sure reward of industry
Seton Semper Always
Seton Set on Set on
Seton Sustento sanguine signa I support the standard with my blood
Seton Virtus durat avorum The virtue of my ancestors remains
Seton Vicount Kingstoun Havet et suam He hath also his own
Severne Virtus prœstantior auro Virtue is more excellent than gold
Severne Virtus secura sequitur Virtue follows safety
Seymour A l’amy fidele pour jamais Faithful for ever to my friend
Seymour Foy pour devoir Faith for duty
Seys Crescit sub pondere virtus Virtue thrives beneath oppression
Shadforth Fugit irrevocabile tempus Irrevocable time flies
Shadwell Loyal à la mort Loyal to death
Shaftesbury Love, serve Love, serve
Shakerly Antiquum obtinens Possessing our ancient honour
Shand Virtute duce With virtue for guide
Shand Virtute duce, comite fortunâ With valour my leader and good fortune my companion
Shank Spero I hope
Shanke Spero I hope
Shannon Spectemur agendo Let us be viewed by our actions
Shannon Virtute duce With virtue for guide
Shannon Vivit post funera virtus Virtue lives after death
Sharp Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Sharpe Pro mitra coronam A crown for a mitre
Sharpe Tela spoliis data Weapons given by spoils
Shatt Deo juvante By God’s assistance
Shaw Au fait In fact
Shaw Aut mors aut vita decora Either death or honourable life
Shaw I mean well I mean well
Shaw Lœtitia et spe immortalitatis With joy and hope of immortality
Shaw Mens immota A constant mind
Shaw Spero meliora I hope for better things
Shaw Teipsum nosce Know thyself
Shaw Vincit qui patitur He conquers who endures
Sheath Leniter sustineo I support gently
Sheddon Fidem meam observabo I will keep my faith
Sheddon Fidem meam serabo I will keep my faith
Shee Cruce salus Through the cross salvation
Shee Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Sheffield Comiter sed fortiter Courteously but firmly
Sheffield Prest Ready
Sheffield Quem te Dues esse jussit What God commands thee to be
Sheldon Optimum pati It is best to suffer
Shelton Fier et fort Proud and strong
Shepherd Feed ye my sheep Feed ye my sheep
Shepherd Fidelis Faithful
Shepperd Ama gregem Love the flock
Sherard Le roy et l’estat The king and the state
Sherborne Servabo fidem I will keep the faith
Sherbrooke Vi si non consilio By force, if not by reason
Sheriff Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Sherrard Hostis honori invidia Envy is an enemy to honour
Shevill Mon priviliege et mon devoir My privilege and my duty
Shiels Be traist Be faithful
Shipley Nec pacida contenta quiete est Nor is content with quiet repose
Shippard Nec timeo, nec sperno I neither fear nor despise
Shippersdon Nubem eripiam I will dispel the cloud
Shirley Abstinete, sustinete Forbear, bear
Shirley Honor virtutis prœmium Honour is the reward of virtue, or valour
Shirley Loyal suis je Loyal am I
Shivez Virtute non vi By virtue not by force
Shore Non dormit qui custodit The sentinel sleeps not
Short Spes in extremum Hope to the last
Shrewsbury Prest d’ accomplier Ready to accomplish
Shrubb Sub cruce semper viridus Always vigorous under the cross
Shuckburgh Hœc manus ob patriam This hand for my country
Shuckburgh Vigilate et orate Watch and pray
Shuldham Post nubila Phœbus After clouds sunshine
Shuttleworth Æquanimiter With equanimity
Shuttleworth Utile dulci The useful with the agreeable
Sibbald Justitia Justice
Sibbald Me certum mors certa facit Certain death makes me resolute
Sibbald Ora et labora Pray and labour
Sibbald Sae bauld So bold
Sibthorp Nil conscire sibi To have a conscience free from guilt. To be conscious of nothing of one’self, i.e. against one’s self
Sicilies In sanguine fœdus A covenant by blood
Sicklemore Par pari Equal to my equal
Siddell Unus et idem One and the same
Siddon Non sino, sed dono I do not permit, but I give
Siddons Thus thou must do if thou have it Thus thou must do if thou have it
Sideserf Industria ditat Industry enriches
Sideserf Semper virtute vivo I always live by virtue
Sideserf Virtute promoveo I advance by virtue
Sidmouth Libertas sub rege pio Liberty under a pious king
Sier Virtus in actione consistit Virtue consists in action
Silence Securitas regni The security of the kingdom
Sillifant Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude
Silver Nil desperandum Never despair
Simeon Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Simeon Serviendo By serving
Simmons In recto decus Honour in acting right
Simon God giveth the victory God giveth the victory
Simpson Alis nutrior I am fed by my wings
Simpson Je suis prêt I am ready
Simpson Nil desperandum Never despair
Simpson Nunquam obliviscar I shall never forget
Simpson Perseveranti dabitur It will be given to the persevering
Simpson Tandem implebitur It will be full at last
Sims Ferio, tego I strike, I defend
Sinclair Aime le meilleur Love the best
Sinclair Aspera virtus Virtue is difficult
Sinclair Candide, sed caute Candidly, but cautiously
Sinclair Commit thy work to God Commit thy work to God
Sinclair Credo I believe
Sinclair Cruce delector I delight in the cross
Sinclair Crux dat salutem The cross gives salvation
Sinclair Detur forti palma Let the palm be given to the brave
Sinclair Fear God and live Fear God and live
Sinclair Fight Fight
Sinclair Me vincit, ego mereo He hath conquered me I am the gainer
Sinclair Per ardua virtus Virtue through difficulties
Sinclair Sic parvis magna Thus I proceed more honourably
Sinclair Te duce gloriamur We glory under thy guidance
Sinclair Via crucis via lucis The way of the cross is the way of life
Sinclair Vincula temno I despise bonds
Singleton Bona fide sine fraude In good faith without fraud
Singleton Mutare sperno I scorn to change
Sir Charles Young Nullius in verba At the dictation of no man
Sir F. Bryan Je tans grace I have mercy
Sir Geo.N.Bart Sœvumque tridentem servamus We retain the stern trident
Sir Griffith Pullis corvorum invorantibus eum When the young, ones of the crows call upon him
Sir Harris Patria cara, carior fides My country is dear, my faith dearer
Sir Henry Wyat Oblier ne puis I cannot forget
Sir John Dick Turris prudentia custos Prudence is the safeguard of the tower
Sir Jos. Paxton Nemo solus sapit No one is wise by himself
Sir Wm. Herne Leges juraque serva Observe the laws and ordinances
Sirr Lyrœ nervos optavi I fitted, or tuned, the strings of my lyre, i.e. harp ; in allusion to the harp in the arms
Sirr Nautœ fida Faithful to the sailor
Sison Hope for the best Hope for the best
Sison Regi regnoque fidelis Faithful to king and kingdom
Sisson Hope for the best Hope for the best
Sitlington Have mercy on us, good Lord! Have mercy on us, good Lord!
Skeen Assiduitate By assiduity
Skeen Gratis a Deo data Given freely by God
Skeen Sors mihi grata cadit A pleasant lot devolves to me
Skeen Sub montibus altis Under high mountains
Skeen The same The same
Skeene Gratis a Deo data Given freely by God
Skelmersdale In portu quies There is rest in port
Skene Virtutis regia merces Royal is the reward of virtue
Skerrett Primus ultimusque in acie First and last in battle
Skerrin Soyez ferme Be firm
Skiffington Per angusta ad augusta Through difficulties to honours
Skiffington Renascentur They will rise again
Skinner Nunquam non paratus Never unprepared
Skipwith Sans Dieu, le ne puis Without God I cannot do it
Skipworth Sans Dieu, le ne puis Without God I cannot do it
Skirvin Fit inde firmior Hence it is made stronger
Skrine Tutamen A defence
Skynner Sanguis et vulnera Blood and wounds
Slade Fidus et audax Faithful and bold
Sladen Deo duce, fortunâ comitante With God as my guide , good fortune as companion
Sladen Vive ut vivas Live that you may live
Slaney Deo duce, comite industria God being my guide, Industry my companion
Slator Garde la loi Keep the law
Slatter Crescit sub pondere virtus Virtue thrives beneath oppression
Sleigh Unalterable Unalterable
Sligo Suivez raison Follow reason
Slingsby Veritas liberavit Truth has freed me
Sloper In pace ut sapiens In peace as a wise man
Sloper Pacis Of peace
Small Ratione, non irâ By reason, not by rage
Smallman My word is my bond My word is my bond
Smart Ette weel Aim well
Smart Vi et virtute By strength and valour
Smeaton Semper vigilans Always watchful
Smedley Incoctum pectus honesto A bosom deeply imbued with honour
Smellet Viresco I flourish
Smellie Industria, virtus, et fortitudo Industry, valour, and fortitude
Smerdon Vincit qui patitur He conquers who endures
Smijth Qua pote lucet He shines whenever possible
Smit Delectat amor patriœ The love of country delights
Smith Benigno Numine By benign providence
Smith Canada Canada
Smith Cum plena magis Rather when she is full
Smith Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Smith En Dieu est mon espoir In God is my hope
Smith Ex usu commodm Advantage from its use
Smith Floret qui vigilat He is prosperous who is vigilant
Smith Hold fast Hold fast
Smith Hneste, fortiter Honourably and bravely
Smith In medio tutissimus In the middle path safest
Smith In seipso totus teres Fully furnished in himself
Smith Luceo non uro I shine, but do not burn
Smith Macte Go forward
Smith Marte et ingenio By war and wit
Smith Maturé In good time
Smith Mea spes est in Deo My hope is in God
Smith Mors in vita Death in life
Smith Nec deficit Nor is another wanting
Smith Non deficit alter Another is not wanting
Smith Non in vita Not in life
Smith Non invita Not by constraint
Smith Rapit ense triumphos He gains victories by the sword
Smith Semper fidelis Always faithful
Smith Sine sanguine victor A bloodless conqueror
Smith Smite on, quoth Smith Smite on, quoth Smith
Smith Spero meliora I hope for better things
Smith Suaviter, fortiter Gently, boldly
Smith Tenax et fide Persevering and with faith
Smith Tenax et fidelis Persevering and faithful
Smith Tenax in fide Steadfast in faith
Smith Vigilans Watchful
Smith Dominus salus mea The Lord is my safety
Smithson Justi germinabunt The just shall shoot forth
Smollet Revertite Return ye
Smyth Cornu exaltabitur honore The horn shall be exalted in honour
Smyth Exaltabit honore It will exalt with honour
Smyth Mediis tranquillus in undis Tranquil in the midst of waters
Smyth Miseris succurrere To help the miserable
Smyth Qui capit capitur He who takes is taken
Smyth Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Smyth Vincere est vivere To conquer is to live
Smythe Persevere Persevere
Smythe Regi semper fidelis Ever faithful to the king
Snell Pro aris et focis For our altars and our homes
Sneyd Nec opprimiere, nec opprimi Neither to oppress nor be oppressed
Solosborough Honore et amore With honour and love
Soltau Miseris succurrere disco I learn to succour the unfortunate
Somaster Quasi summus magister As though the highest master
Somerset Cadenti porrigo dextram I extend my right hand to the falling
Somerset Foy pour devoir Faith for duty
Somerset Mutare vel timere sperno I scorn to change or to fear
Somervil Donec rursus impleat orbem Until it again fill its orb
Somerville Audacem juvant fata The fates assist the bold
Somerville Fear God in life Fear God in life
Sommerville Donec rursus impleat orbem Until it again fill its orb
Sondes Esto quod esse videris Be what you seem to be
South Wales Pullis corvorum invorantibus eum When the young, ones of the crows call upon him
Southampton Et decus et pretium recti Both the honour and the reward of rectitude
Southby Libertas pretiosior auro Liberty is more precious than gold
Southby Virtute non sanguine By virtue not by blood
Southwell Nec male notus eques A knight not badly known
Spalding Hinc mihi salus Hence comes salvation to me
Spange Fata viam invenient The fates will find a way
Sparkes Spero meliora I hope for better things
Sparling Virtutis honor prœmium Honour is the prize of valour
Sparrow Honestas optima politia Honesty is the best policy
Sparrow In Deo solo salus est Salvation is in God alone
Sparrow Spero I hope
Spearman Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Spedding Utile dulci The useful with the agreeable
Speid Auspice Deo Under God’s direction
Speid Speed well Speed well
Speir Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Spence Bold Bold
Spence Constantia et diligentia By perseverance and diligence
Spence Do good Do good
Spence Felix qui pacificus He is happy who is peaceful
Spence Si Deus quis contra? If God be with us who can be against us?
Spence Virtus acquirit honorem Virtue gains honour
Spence Virtute acquiritur honos Honour is acquired by virtue
Spence Visa per invisa firma Things seen are established by things unseen
Spencer Dieu defend le droit God defends the right
Spens Si Deus quis contra? If God be with us who can be against us?
Spense Courage à l’Ecosse Courage à l’Ecosse
Sperling Sapiens qui assiduus He is wise who is industrious
Spiers Advance Advance
Spiers Salvet me Deus May God help me!
Spittal Suum cuique To every man his own
Splatt Pro patria sanguis My blood for my country
Spode Sub tutela Domini Under the protection of God
Spoight Vi et virtute By strength and valour
Spoor Semper constans et fidelis Ever constant and faithful
Spottiswood Patior ut potior I endure as I enjoy
Spottiswood Utrius auctus auxilio Increasing by help of both
Sprewell Manet in œternum It endureth for ever
Spring Non mihi, sed Deo et regi Not for myself, but for my country
Spring Pure de fonte From a clear spring
Springe Non mihi, sed Deo et regi Not for myself, but for my country
Spry Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Spry Soyez sage et simple Be wise and simple
Spurdens Denuo fortasse lucescat Perchance it may become clear again
Spurgeon Non civium ardor Not the ardour of the citizens
Spurrier Adde calcar Apply the spur
Squarey Pro cruce audax Bold for the cross
Squire Tiens firme Hold firm
St Albans Auspicium melioris œvi A pledge of better times
St. Albyn Deus meus dux meus My God is my guide
St. Clair Fight Fight
St. Clair Renasce piu gloriosa It is born again more glorious
St. George Firmitas in cœlo Stability in heaven
St. George Firmitas in cœlo, stabilitas in terra Firmness in heaven, stability on earth
St. Germains Occurent nubes Clouds will intervene
St. Helens Intaminatis honoribus With unstained honours
St. Hill Tout fin fait Every thing comes to an end
St. John Nec quœrere, nec spernere honorem Neither to seek nor to despise honour
St. Leger Haut et bon High and good
St. Leonards Labore vinces You will overcome by toil
St. Mary The Glorious In hoc signo vincam Under this sign I shall conquer
St. Paul Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
St. Vincent Rumor acerbe, tace Cruel rumour, be still
St. Vincent Thus Thus
St.Ferdinand Pro fide et merito For fidelity and merit
St.Germains Prœcedentibus insta Press hard upon those who go before you
St.John Data fata secutus Following my destiny
St.Lawrence Que pensez What think ye?
Stackpole Pro Deo et pro patriâ For God and my Country
Stacpole I die for those I love I die for those I love
Stafford The strongest arm uppermost The strongest arm uppermost
Stafford Virtus basis vitœ Virtue is the basis of life
Stahlschmidt Deo inspirante, rege favente By the inspiration of God and the king’s favour
Stainforth Non deficit alter Another is not wanting
Stair Firm Firm
Stalying Gaudere et epulari oportet It is fitting to rejoice and feast
Stamer Jubilee Jubilee
Stamer Virtute et valore By virtue and valour
Stamford A ma puissance According to my power
Standish Constant en tout Constant in everything
Standish Sola nobilitas virtus Virtue is the only nobility
Stanfield Nosce teipsum Know thyself
Stanhope A Deo et rege From God and the king
Stanhope Exitus acta probat The results tests the act, or the end proves the deed
Stanhope In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Stanhope Laudo manentem I praise him that waits
Stanley Sans changer Without changing
Stannus Et vi et virtute Both by strength and virtue
Stansfield Love and loyalty Love and loyalty
Stansfield Virtus post funera vivit Virtue lives after the tomb
Stanton Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Staples Teneo I retain
Stapleton Fide, sed cui vide Trust, but in whom take care
Stapleton Ne vile fano Bring nothing base to the temple
Stapleton Pro Magna Charta For magna Charta
Stark Fortiorum fortia facta The brave deeds of brave men
Starke Pelasgi The Pelasgi
Starkey Homo proponit, Deus disponit Man proposes, God disposes
Starky Famœ venientis amore With the love of future fame
Starr Vive en espoir Live in hope
Staunton En Dieu est ma foy In God is my faith
Staunton En Dieu ma foy My faith is in God
Staunton Moderate durant Moderate things are lasting
Staurt Virtus prœ nummis Virtue is preferable to money
Stawell En parole je vis I live on the word
Stawell Vigilanter Watchfully
Stebbing Quiescam I shall have rest
Steddert Post nubes lux After clouds light
Stedman Cuncta mea mecum My all is with me
Steedman For security For security
Steel Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Steel Perseverance Perseverance
Steele Absque labore nihil Nothing without labour
Steere Tu ne cede malis Yield not to misfortunes
Stein Ad diem tendo I journey towards the dayspring
Steinthal Excelsior Higher
Stenhouse Fortes fideles Brave and faithful
Stephens Consilio et armis By wisdom and arms
Stephens Fides Stephani Stephen’s faith
Stephens Je vive en espoir I live in hope
Stephens Semper liber Always free
Stephens Virtutis amore Through love to virtue
Stephenson Virtus tutissima cassis Virtue is the safest helmet
Stepney Fide et vigilantia By faith and vigilance
Sterling Gang through Gang through
Steuart Corde et manu With heart and hand
Steuart Juvant aspera fortes Difficulties delight the brave
Steuart Juvant aspera probum Misfortunes benefit the good man
Steuart Semper fidelis Always faithful
Steuart Stat felix amico Domino His happiness is sure when the Lord is his friend
Steuart Virtutis in bello prœmium The reward of valour in war
Stevens Ad diem tendo I journey towards the dayspring
Stevens Always Always
Stevens Vi et arte By strength and skill
Stevenson Cœlum, non solum Heaven, not earth
Stevenson Fidus in arcanis Faithful in secret affairs
Stevenson Fidus in arcanum Faithful in a secret affair
Stevenson Virtus ubique Virtue everywhere
Steward Nobilitas unwa virtus Virtue is the only nobility
Stewart A virtute orta Sprung from courage
Stewart Audaces fortuna juvat Fortune favours the bold
Stewart Avant Forward
Stewart Beati pacifici Blessed are the peace-makers
Stewart Candide Candidly
Stewart Christus mihi lucrum Christ is my gain
Stewart Corde et manu With heart and hand
Stewart Dant priscœ decorum Deeds of antiquity confer renown
Stewart Deo juvante vinco By God’s assistance I conquer
Stewart Fide et opera By faith and work
Stewart Fixus ac solidus Firm and substantial
Stewart Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Stewart Furth fortune, and fill the fetters Furth fortune, and fill the fetters
Stewart God will provide God will provide
Stewart Hinc orior Hence I rise
Stewart Honestate vetusas stat Ancestry is established by honour
Stewart I die for those I love I die for those I love
Stewart I mean well I mean well
Stewart Juvant aspera probum Misfortunes benefit the good man
Stewart Lœdere noli Be unwilling to hurt
Stewart Metuenda corolla draconis The dragon’s crest is to be feared
Stewart Never fear Never fear
Stewart Nil desperandum Never despair
Stewart Nil desperandum est We must never despair
Stewart Nil sistere contra Nothing to oppose us
Stewart Nobilis ira Noble in anger
Stewart Parat et curat He prepares and is cautious
Stewart Pass forward Pass forward
Stewart Pax, copia, virtus Peace, plenty, virtue
Stewart Quihidder will ye? Whither will ye?
Stewart Reddunt cmmci mitem Social interchanges render (men) civilised
Stewart Resurgam I shall rise again
Stewart Semper fidelis Always faithful
Stewart Semper paratus Always prepared
Stewart Sic fuit, est, et erit Thus it has been, is, and will be
Stewart Sic virescit industria Thus industry flourishes
Stewart Spero infestis, metuo secundis I hope in adversity, I fear in prosperity
Stewart Spero meliora I hope for better things
Stewart Suffibulatus majores sequor Being buckled, I follow my ancestors, i.e. Having buckled on my arms I follow the example of my ancestors
Stewart Tam fidus quam fixus Equally faithful as steadfast
Stewart Virescit He flourishes
Stewart Viresco I flourish
Stewart Virtuti fortuna comes Fortune is companion to valour
Stewart Virtutis prœmium The reward of virtue
Stewart de Rothsay Avito viret honore He flourishes through the honour of his ancestors
Stillingfleet Magna est veritas Great is truth
Stirling By wounding I cure By wounding I cure
Stirling Castra et nemus Strivilense The castle and wood of Stirling
Stirling Faventibus auris By favourable gales
Stirling Fides servata secundat Tried fidelity makes prosperous
Stirling For right For right
Stirling Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Stirling Gang forward Gang forward
Stirling Hic fidus et roboreus He is trusty and strong
Stirling Semper fidelis Always faithful
Stirling Sic fidus ut robur True as oak
Stiven Cresco I increase
Stockdale His vicimus armis We conquered with these arms
Stockenstrom Fortis si jure fortis Strong if strong in right
Stodart Refulgent in tenebris They glitter in the dark
Stoddart Denique decus Honour at length
Stokes Vincit omnia pertinax virtus Stubborn virtue conquers all
Stopford Patriœ infelici fidelis Faithful to my unhappy country
Storie Courage et esperance Courage and hope
Storie Defciam aut effciam I will fail, or I will perform
Storie Meret qui laborat He is deserving who is industrious
Stork Fortiorum fortia facta The brave deeds of brave men
Story Fabula sed vera A story, but a true one
Stothard Post nubes After clouds
Stourton Loyal je serai durant ma vie I will be loyal as long as I live
Stow Sto pro fide I stand firm for my faith
Strachan Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it
Strachan Juvant Deus impigros God assists the diligent
Strachan Non timeo, sed caveo I fear not, but am cautious
Strachan Steer steady Steer steady
Strachen For-d-ward For-d-ward
Strachey Cœlum non animum You may change your climate, but not your disposition
Strachey Lucem amat virtus Virtue loves the light
Strachy A Deo et rege From God and the king
Stradbroke Je vive en espoir I live in hope
Strafford Mouguerre Mouguerre
Strafford Tuebor I will defend
Strafton Resurgere tento I strive to rise again
Straingways Espoir me comfort Hope comforts me
Straloch I hope I hope
Strang Dulce quod utile That is agreeable which is useful
Strange Be just, and fear not Be just, and fear not
Strangford Virtus incendit vires Virtue excites our powers
Strangways Ne doubtero I will not doubt
Strangways Ystoyeau et ne doubtero Ystoyeau et ne doubtero
Stratford Ne cede malis; sed contra Yield not to misfortunes; on the contrary; meet them with fortitude
Strathallan Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!
Strathmore In te, Domine, speravi In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust
Straton Surgere tento I try to rise
Stratton Ardua vinco I overcome difficulties
Stratton Aymez loyaulté Love loyalty
Streatfield Data fata secutus Following my destiny
Stretton Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Strickland A la volonté de Dieu At the will of God
Strode Hyeme viresco I flourish (or am green) in winter
Strode Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Strong Dulce quod utile That is agreeable which is useful
Stronge Tentanda via est The way must be tried
Strother Accipiter prœdam sequitur , nos gloriam The hawk seeks prey, we (seek) glory
Stuart Avant Forward
Stuart Judge nought Judge nought
Stuart Dominus dux noster The Lord is our guide
Stuart de Decies Avito viret honore He flourishes through the honour of his ancestors
Stuart-Menteith Dum, vivo, spero While I live I hope
Stubber Gladio et arcu With sword and bow
Stubbert Per ardua Through difficulties
Stubs Dominus exultatio mea The Lord is my delight
Stuckey Fortitudine et fidelitate By fortitude and fidelity
Stuckley Hardiment et bellement Boldly and handsomely
Studdert Refulgent in tenebris They glitter in the dark
Stule Toujours loyale Always loyal
Styleman-Le Strange Mihi parta tueri To defend the things acquired by me
Suckling Mora trahit periculum Delay brings danger
Sudeley Memoria pii œterna The memory of the pious man is eternal
Suffield Æquanimiter With equanimity
Suffield Equanimiter With equanimity
Suffolk Non quo, sed quo modo Not for whom, but in what manner
Suffolk Nous maintiendrons We will maintain
Sugden Labore vinces You will overcome by toil
Sullavan Lamh foisdineach an nœchtar What we gain by conquest we secure by clemency
Surman Yet in my flesh shall I see God Yet in my flesh shall I see God
Surtees Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Sussex Qui nucleum vult nucem frangat Let him break the nut who wants the kernel
Sutcliffe I mean well I mean well
Sutherland Frangas non flectes Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me
Sutherland Sans peur Without fear
Sutherland Without fear Without fear
Suttie Mihi lucra pericula Dangers are profitable to me
Suttie Nothing hazard, nothing have Nothing hazard, nothing have
Suttie Sponti favos, œgro spicula Honey to the willing, stings to the unwilling
Sutton Fidelis usque ad mortem Faithful even unto death
Sutton Live in live Live in live
Sutton Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Sutton Tout jours prest Always ready
Sutton Tuto, celeriter, et jucunde Safely, speedily, and agreeably
Swabey Vera trophœa fides Faith is our true trophy
Swainson Pro ecclesia Dei For the church of God
Swale Jesu, esto mihi Jesus Jesus, be Jesus unto me
Swanston Gesta verbis prœveniunt Their deeds go before their words
Swayne L’amour et loyauté Love and loyalty
Sweden Deus protector noster God is my protector
Swettenham Ex sudore vultus By the sweat of the face
Swift Cum magnis vixisse To have lived with the great
Swift Festina lente Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.”
Swinburne Semel et semper Once and always
Swinnerton Avauncez et archez bien Advance and shoot well
Swinton J’espère I hope
Swinton Dum sedulo prospero While engaged industriously I prosper
Swire Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Sword Paratus Ready
Sydenham Non his insignitus Distinguished not by these
Sydney Droit et avant Just and forward
Sykes Ferox inimicis Fierce to his enemies
Sykes Stand on Stand on
Sym Fortunâ et labore By good fortune and exertion
Syme Ferio, tego I strike, I defend
Syme In recto decus Honour in acting right
Symmer Tandem tranquillus At last tranquil
Symmonds Non timeo, sed caveo I fear not, but am cautious
Symonds Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Symonds Fideliter Faithfully
Symonds Rectus in curro I keep upright in a curve, i.e. in a crooked path
Symonds Simplex munditiis Plain with neatness
Synge Cœlestia canimus We sing of heavenly things
Synge Cœlestia canimus We sing (of) heavenly gates
Synnot Ama Deum et serva mandata Love God and keep his commandments
Synnot Sine macula Without spot

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