Name | Motto | Translation |
O’Beirne | Dii moresque sabunt | The god and (our own) habits will give it |
O’Brien | The strongest arm uppermost | The strongest arm uppermost |
O’Brien | Vigueur de dessus | Strength is from above |
O’Bryen | Vigueur de dessus | Strength is from above |
O’Carroll | In fide et in bello fortis | Strong both in faith and war |
O’Connell | Cia’ll agos neart | Reason and power, or, Power used with judgment |
O'Connor | Nec timeo, nec sperno |
I neither fear, nor despise |
O’Daly | Deo, regi fielis | Faithful to God and the king |
O‘Donnell | In hoc signo vinces | Under this sign thou shalt conquer |
O’Donnelly | Tandem justitia | Justice at length |
O’Donovan | Adjuvante Deo in hostes | God aiding against enemies |
O’Donovan | Vis super hostem | Strength over the enemy |
O’Farrell | Spes mea Deus | God is my hope |
O’Flanaghan | Certavi et vici | I have fought and conquered |
O’Gorman | Primi et ultimi in bello | First and last in war |
O’Grady | Vulneratus non victus | Wounded not conquered |
O’Halloran | Ripis rapax, rivis audax | On the banks rapacious, in the streams daring |
O’Hara | Try | Try |
O’Keefe | Forti et fideli nihil difficile | To the brave and faithful man nothing is difficult |
O’Kelly | Fortis turris mihi Deus | God is my strong tower |
O’Kelly | Rath – A’rda – Cöel | On the hill of Cöel (i.e. O’Kelly) is the camp of Cöel |
O’Kelly | Turris fortis mihi Deus | God is a strong tower to me |
O’Loghlen | Anchora salutis | The anchor of safety |
O’Malley | Terra marique potens | Powerful by land and sea |
O’Mulley | Malo mori quam fœdari | I would rather die than be disgraced |
O’Mulloy | Fortune and opportunity for ever | Fortune and opportunity for ever |
O’Neil | Semper prœsto patriœ servire | I am ever ready to serve my country |
O’Neill | The red hand of Ireland | The red hand of Ireland |
O’Reilly | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
O’Reilly | Fortitudine et prudentiâ | By fortitude and prudence |
O’Rourke | Serviendo guberno | By serving I govern |
O’Rourke | Victorious | Victorious |
O‘Shee | Vincit veritas | Truth conquers |
Oakeley | Non timeo, sed caveo | I fear not, but am cautious |
Oakes | Esse quam videri | To be rather than seem to be |
Oakes | Persevere | Persevere |
Oakes | Quercus robur salus patria | The strength of the oak is the safety of our country |
Oakley | Paterni nominis patrimonium | The patrimony of a paternal name |
Ochterlonie | Deus mihi adjutor | God is my helper |
Ochter-Lony | Spes labor levis | Hope is light labour |
Odell | Quantum in rebus inane | What emptiness in all things (human) |
Ogilve | Terrena pericula sperno | I despise earthly dangers |
Ogilvie | A fin | To the end |
Ogilvie | Ad finem spero | I hope to the last |
Ogilvie | Fortune le veut | Fortune so wills it |
Ogilvie | Prœclarum regi et regno servitium | Honourable service to king and country |
Ogilvie | Pro patria | For my country |
Ogilvie | Toujours pret, or prest | Always ready |
Ogilvie | Tout jour | Always |
Ogilvy | Bene paratum dulce | That which is rightly acquired is sweet |
Ogilvy | Ex armis honos | Honour gained by arms |
Ogilvy | Fideliter | Faithfully |
Ogilvy | Fortune le veut | Fortune so wills it |
Ogilvy | Industria | By industry |
Ogilvy | Marte et industria | By arms and industry |
Ogilvy | Nil desperandum | Never despair |
Ogilvy | Quœ moderata firma | Moderate things are stable |
Ogilvy | Secundat vera fides | True faith prospers |
Oglander | Servare munia vitœ | To observe the duties of life |
Ogle | A Deo lumen | Light from God |
Ogle | Fortis in teipso | Brave in thyself |
Ogle | Prenez en gré | Take in good will |
Oglivy | Pugno pro patriâ | I fight for my country |
Okeover | Esto vigilans | Be vigilant |
Oldfield | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Oldfield | In cruce vincam | I shall conquer in the cross |
Oldfield | Viresco vulnere | I revive by my wounds |
Oliffe | Est voluntas Dei | It is the will of God |
Oliphant | A tout pourvoir | To provide for every thing |
Oliphant | Altiora peto | I seek higher things |
Oliphant | Hinc illuminabimur | Hence we shall be enlightened |
Oliphant | Honesta peto | I seek honourable things |
Oliphant | Hope and not rue | Hope and not rue |
Oliphant | Non mutat fortuna genus | Fortune does not change the race |
Oliphant | Tout pourvoir | To provide for everything |
Oliphant | What was may be | What was may be |
Oliveira | Audentior ibo | I will go more daringly |
Oliver | Ad fœdera cresco | I grow for treaties |
Oliver | Fac similiter | Do likewise |
Oliver | Ito tu et fac similiter | Go thou and do likewise |
Oliver | Non sine oliver | Not without oliver |
Oliver | Nunquam fallentis termes olivæ | A branch of the never-failing olive |
Oliver | Sicut oliva virens lœtor in œde Dei | As the flourishing olive, I rejoice in the house of God |
Ongley | Mihi cura futuri | My care is for the future |
Onslow | Festina lente | Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.” |
Onslow | Laudo manentem | I praise him that waits |
Onslow | Semper fidelis | Always faithful |
Oranmore | Fortiter et fideliter | Boldly and faithfully |
Ord | Miles et fortis | A soldier and a brave one |
Ord | Mitis et fortis | Gentle and brave |
Ordell | Auxilium ab alto | Aid from above |
Orford | Fari quœ sentiat | To speak what they think |
Orkney | Fight | Fight |
Orme | Fortis et fidelis | Brave and faithful |
Ormerod | Dedit meliora dabitque | He has given better things will give them |
Ormiston | Felicior quo certior | Luckier as it is surer |
Ormonde | Comme je trouve | As I find |
Ormsby | Fortis qui prudens | He is brave who is prudent |
Orpen | Veritas vincet | Truth will conquer |
Orpen | Vincit veritas | Truth conquers |
Orr | Bonis omnia bona | All things are good to the good |
Orrery | Honor virtutis prœmium | Honour is the reward of virtue, or valour |
Orrock | Solus Christus mea rupes | Christ alone is my rock |
Osbaldeston | Constante et firme | Constant and firm |
Osborne | Pax in bello | Peace in war |
Osborne | Quantum in rebus inane | What emptiness in all things (human) |
Oswald | Forti favet cœlum | Heaven favours the brave |
Oswald | Monstrant astra viam | The stars show the way |
Otway | Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos? | If God be with us, who can be against us? |
Oughton | Nescit abolere vetustas | Antiquity cannot abolish it |
Ouseley | Mors lupi agnis vita | The death of the wolf is life to the lambs |
Outram | Mutare fidem nescio | I cannot break faith |
Ovington | Respice fines | Consider the end |
Owen | Frangas non flectes | Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me |
Owen | Honestas optima politia | Honesty is the best policy |
Owen | Nec sperno, nec timeo | I neither despise nor fear |
Owen | Sola juvat virtus | Virtue alone delights |
Owen | Toraf cyn plygaf | I’ll break before I’ll bend |
Oxford | Virtute et fide | By valour and faith |
Oxley | Tam aris quam aratris | As well by altars as by ploughs |
Oxon | Deo, regi, vicino | To God, my king, my neighbour |
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