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Family Mottoes
by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services

This is a Free Motto resource center containing approx. 9,000 mottoes transcribed from Elvin’s Mottoes, with added mottoes from Armorial Gold’s own Library and from noted heraldic writers.

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G.C.B. Confide Be confident
Gabb Nullius in verba At the dictation of no man
Gadesden Decrevi I have resolved
Gage Bon temps viendra The good time will come
Gage Courage sans peur Courage without fear
Gairden Cruciata cruce junguntur Crosses are joined to the cross
Gairden Vires animat virtus Virtue animates our powers
Gairden Vive le roy Long live the king
Galbraith Vigilo et spero I watch and hope
Gale Esperez en Dieu Hope in God
Galiez Divino robore By divine strength
Gall Patientia vincit Patience conquers
Gallightly Hactenus invictus Hitherto unconquered
Gallo Benefacere et lœtari To do well and be glad
Galloway Higher Higher
Galloway Virescit vulnere virtus Her virtue flourishes by her wound
Galmoye Comme je trouve As I find
Galton Gaudet luce He rejoices in the light
Galway Cruci dum spiro fido Whilst I have breath I confide in the cross
Galway Vinctus sed non victus Chained but not conquered
Galwey Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Gambier Fide non armis By faith not arms
Gammell Moriens, sed invictus Dying, but unconquered
Gamon Virtus in arduis Courage in difficulties
Garbett Gare la béte Beware of the beast
Garden Sustine et abstine Bear and forbear
Garden Vires animat virtus Virtue animates our powers
Gardiner Fide et amore By fidelity and love
Gardiner Nil desperandum Never despair
Gardiner Persevere Persevere
Gardiner Virtuti et fortunœ To virtue and fortune
Gardiners Deo non fortunœ To God not fortune
Gardner Artibus haud armis By arts, not arms
Gardner In ferrum libertate ruebant Through liberty they rushed to the sword
Gardner In virtute et fortuna In valour and fortune
Gardner Labore et virtute By industry and virtue
Gardner Valet anchora virtus Virtue our anchor is strong
Gardyne Cruciata cruce junguntur Crosses are joined to the cross
Garmston Opera Dei mirifica The works of God are wonderful
Garnett Diligentia et honore With diligence and honour
Garnock Speed Speed
Garnons Nid cyfoeth ond boddlonrwydd No wealth without contentment
Garratt Ubi amor ibi fides Where there is love there is faith
Garret Semper fidelis Always faithful
Garrett Ubi libertas ibi patria Where liberty prevails there is my country
Garriock Concussus surgo Though shaken, I rise
Garritte Certa cruce salus Sure salvation through the cross
Garrow Concussus surgo Though shaken, I rise
Garshore I renew my age I renew my age
Garstin Gladio et virtute By the sword and by valour
Garvagh Ne cede malis; sed contra Yield not to misfortunes; on the contrary; meet them with fortitude
Garvey Sis justus nec timeas Be just, fear not
Gascoigne Tam Marti quam Mercurio As much devoted to Mars as Mercury
Gascoyne Raison pour guide Reason for guide
Gaskell Scio cui credidi I know whom I have believed
Gaskell Spera Hope
Gaskell Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Gason Fama semper vivit Fame lives for ever
Gavin By industry we prosper By industry we prosper
Gavin Remember Remember
Gay Stat fortuna domûs The fortune of the house remains
Gay Toujours gai Ever gay
Geary Chase Chase
Ged Durat, ditat, placet It endures, it enriches, and it pleases
Geddeis Capta majora Seek greater things
Geddes Capta majora Seek greater things
Geikie Vigilo I watch
Gell Ung Dieu, ung roi One God, one king
Gellatly Hactenus invictus Hitherto unconquered
Gellie Divino robore By divine strength
Gen. Sir R. Gardiner Confide Be confident
Gennys Deo gloria Glory to God
Gent Inest clentia forti Mercy is inherent in the brave
Gentle Industria By industry
Georgia Wisdom, justice, and moderation Wisdom, justice, and moderation
Geraldine Crom abù Crom (now Croom Castle) defying
Gerard En Dieu est mon esperance In God is my hope
Gerard Haud inferiora secutus Not having mean pursuits
Gernon Parva contemnimus We despise small things
Gerrard Bono vince malum Overcome evil with good
Gerrard Loyal in adversity Loyal in adversity
Gervais Sic sustentata crescit Thus supported it increases
Gethin Try Try
Gib Spero I hope
Gibb Fides prœstantior auro Faith is more estimable than gold
Gibb Tenax propositi Firm of purpose
Gibbs Dios mi amparo y esperanza God is my support and hope
Gibbs Nunquam non paratus Never unprepared
Gibbs Persevere Persevere
Gibbs Tenax propositi Firm of purpose
Gibbs Tenax propositi Firm of purpose
Gibon Toujours pret, or prest Always ready
Gibson Cœlestes pandite portœ Open, ye celestial gates
Gibson Cœlestes pandite portœ Open, ye heavenly gates
Gibson Consilio et animis By wisdom and courage
Gibson Pandite Open
Gibson Pandite, cœlestes portœ Open, ye heavenly gates!
Giffard Preigne haleine, tirez fort Take breath, pull strong
Giffard Spare not Spare not
Gifford Non sine numine Not without the Deity
Gifford Potius mori quam fœdari Better die than be disgraced
Gilbert Mallem mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Gilbert Pro Christo et patria For Christ and my country
Gilbert Tenax propositi Firm of purpose
Gilchrist Fide et fiducia By fidelity and confidence
Gilchrist Mea gloria fides Faith is my glory
Gildea Re et merito By reality and merit
Gildea Vincit qui patitur He conquers who endures
Gilfillan Armis et animis By arms and courage
Gillanders Durum sed certissimum Hard but most sure
Gillbanks Honore et virtute With hour and virtue
Gillespie Fidelis et in bello fortis Faithful and brave in war
Gillespie In certa salutis anchora On a sure anchor of safety
Gillespie Touch not the cat bot a glove Touch not the cat bot a glove
Gillies Touch not the cat bot the glove Touch not the cat bot the glove
Gillman Non cantu sed actus Not by singing but by acting
Gillon Tutum refugium A safe refuge
Gilly Ab acquila From the eagle
Gilmer Nil penna, sed usus Not the quill, but its use
Gilmour Perseveranti dabitur It will be given to the persevering
Gilpin Dictis factisque simplex Simple in words and deeds
Gilpin Foy Faith
Gilpin Une foy mesme One same faith
Gilroy Ad finem fidelis Faithful to the end
Gingle Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Ginkell Malo mori quam fœdari I would rather die than be disgraced
Gladstone Fide et virtute By fidelity and valour
Glanville Confide rectè agens Doing rightly be confident
Glasbern In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Glasford Prisca fides Ancient faith
Glasgow Dominus providebit The Lord will provide
Glasgow Parere subjectus To obey when subject
Glasham In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Glass Emergo I emerge
Glass Luctor, non mergor I struggle, but am not overwhelmed
Glasscott Virtute decoratus Adorned with virtue
Glassford Mente et manu With heart and hand
Glazebrook Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Glegg Qui potest capere, capiat Let him take who can take
Glen Alta pete Aim at high things
Glendening In cruce fides Faith in the cross
Glendoning Have faith in Christ Have faith in Christ
Glendonwyn Have faith in Christ Have faith in Christ
Gleneagles Suffer Suffer
Glenelg Revirescimus We flourish again
Glenelg Stand suir Stand sure
Glengall God be my guide God be my guide
Glenlyon Furth fortune, and fill the fetters Furth fortune, and fill the fetters
Glennon Generosus animosus Generous and courageous
Gloag Qui vult caperte capiat Who wishes to take let him take
Gloster Levius fit patientia It is rendered lighter by patience
Gloucester Fides invicta triumphat Invincible loyalty triumphs
Glover Nec timeo, nec sperno I neither fear nor despise
Glyn Firm to my trust Firm to my trust
Goadie Honestas Honesty
Goddard Cervus non servus A stag not enslaved
Godden Jovis omnia plena All things are full of
Godding Nitor in adversum I contend against adversity
Godfrey Christus pelicanus et agnus Christ my pelican and my lamb
Godfrey Corde fixam Fixed in my heart
Godfrey Deus et libertas God and liberty
Godfrey God fried The peace of God
Godfrey Post spinas palma After difficulties a reward: lit. after thorns the palm
Godley Sans Dieu rien Without God nothing
Godman Cœlum quod quœrimus ultra Heaven, which we seek beyond
Godolphin Pax in bello Peace in war
Goff Fier sans tache Proud, without blemish
Goff Honestas optima politia Honesty is the best policy
Goffdon Corde et manu With heart and hand
Goildowrie Crede et vince Believe and conquer
Going Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Goldie Nil solidum There is nothing unchangeable
Golding Pro Deo et rege For God and the king
Goldsmid Concordia et sedulitate By union and diligence
Goldsmid Mi camokah baalim Yehowah Who is like unto thee of the gods, O Jehovah?
Gollop Be bolde, be wyse Be bolde, be wyse
Goodall Constantia By constancy
Goodalle Good God increase Good god increase
Goodchild Vincit omnia veritas Truth conquers all things
Goodere Possunt quia posse videntur They are able because they seem to be
Goodge Audaces juvat She (i.e. fortune) favours the bold
Goodlake Omnia bona desuper All good things are from above
Goodricke Fortior leone justus The just man is stronger than a lion
Goodsir Virtute et fidelitate By valour and fidelity
Goodwin Fide et virtute By fidelity and valour
Goodwright A bonis ad meliora From good things to better
Googe Audaces juvat She (i.e. fortune) favours the bold
Goold Deus minhi providebit God will provide for me
Gordon Altiora pete Seek higher things
Gordon Animo, non astutia By courage, not by craft
Gordon Aut mors aut vita decora Either death or honourable life
Gordon Aut mors aut vita Deus God is either death or life
Gordon Bydand Remaining
Gordon Bydand to the last Bydand to the last
Gordon Byde Byde
Gordon Byde be Byde be
Gordon Byde together Byde together
Gordon Corde manuque With heart and hand
Gordon Divisa conjungo I heal divisions
Gordon Dread God Dread God
Gordon Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Gordon Dum vigilo tutus While I am vigilant I am safe
Gordon Ever faithful Ever faithful
Gordon Fear God Fear God
Gordon Fertur discrimine fructus Profit is gained by danger
Gordon Fortuna sequatur Let fortune be attendant
Gordon Forward without fear Forward without fear
Gordon God with us God with us
Gordon Gradatim plena Full by degrees
Gordon I hope I hope
Gordon In hoc spes mea In this is my hope
Gordon Legibus et armis By laws and arms
Gordon Majores sequor I follow my ancestors
Gordon Maneo, non fugio I stand firm and do not fly
Gordon Ne nimium Not too much
Gordon Nil arduum Nothing is difficult
Gordon Mon fraude sed laude Not by deceit but with honour
Gordon Salus per Christum Salvation through Christ
Gordon Sic tutus Thus safe
Gordon Spero I hope
Gordon Truth prevails Truth prevails
Gordon Tum pace quam prœlio As well in peace as in war
Gordon Vel pax, vel bellum Either peace or war
Gordon Veritas ingenio Truth with wit
Gordon Victrix patientia Patience conquers
Gordon Watch Watch
Gordon Dum sisto vigilo Whilst I stand still I watch
Gordon-Cumming Sans crainte Without fear
Gore In hoc signo vinces Under this sign thou shalt conquer
Gore Sola salus servire Deo The only safe course is to serve God
Gormanston Sans tache Without satin
Gort Coloony Coloony
Gort Vincit veritas Truth conquers
Gosford Vigilantibus While they watch
Gosker Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Gothard Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Gotobed Ante et post cole Deum Before and after worship God, i.e. before and after (you go to bed) sunset
Goudie Honestas Honesty
Gough Barrosa Barrosa
Gough China China
Gough Domat omnia virtus Virtue conquers all things
Gough Faugh a bollagh Clear the way
Gough Goojerat Goojerat
Gould A Nilo victoria Victory from the Nile
Gouldie Quid utile What is useful
Govan Depechez Make haste
Gower Frangas non flectes Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me
Grabham L’esperance du salut The hope of salvation
Grace Concordant nomine facta Our deeds agree with our name
Grace Engrace affie On grace depend
Grace Grassagh abú Graces defying
Graden Ad escam et usum For food and use
Græme A Deo victoria Victory from God
Graeme Ardenter prosequor alis Eagerly do I pursue in my winged course
Græme Cubo et excubo I sleep and watch
Græme Noli me tangere Touch me not
Grafton Et decus et pretium recti Both the honour and the reward of rectitude
Graham A Deo victoria Victory from God
Graham Auxiliante resurgo When he helps I rise again
Graham Bon fin A good end
Graham Candide et secure Candidly and safely
Graham Defendendo vinco By defending I conquer
Graham Fideliter et diligenter Faithfully and diligently
Graham For right and reason For right and reason
Graham Liber et erectus Free and erect
Graham Memor esto Be mindful
Graham N’oublie Do not forget
Graham Ne oubliez Do not forget
Graham Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Graham Noli me tangere Touch me not
Graham Non immemor beneficii Grateful for kindness
Graham Numen et omnia Providence and all things
Graham Nunquam deorsum Never downward
Graham Omne meum, nihil meum Every thing mine, nothing mine
Graham Omnia providentia Dei All things by the providence of God
Graham Peace and grace Peace and grace
Graham Pignus amoris A pledge of love
Graham Prœdœ memor Mindful of gain
Graham Ratio mihi sufficit The reason is sufficient for me
Graham Reason contents me Reason contents me
Graham Recta sursum Right upwards
Graham Right and reason Right and reason
Graham Semper susum Always upwards
Graham Souvenez Remember
Graham Tutus in undis Safe on the waves
Granard Fax mentis incendium gloriœ The torch of glory inflames the mind
Grand Duchy Semper Always
Granger Honestas optima politia Honesty is the best policy
Grant Audacia Boldness
Grant Craig elachie The rock of alarm
Grant Ense et animo With sword and courage
Grant For my Duchas For my Duchas
Grant I’ll stand sure I’ll stand sure
Grant In God is all my trust In God is all my trust
Grant Jehovah-Jirej The Lord will provide
Grant Leges juraque serva Observe the laws and ordinances
Grant Non inferiora secutus Not having followed mean pursuits
Grant Radicem firmant frondes Branches strengthen the root
Grant Stabit It shall stand
Grant Stand fast Stand fast
Grant Stand firm Stand firm
Grant Stand sure Stand sure
Grant Suo se robore firmat He establishes himself by his own strength
Grant Suum cuique To every man his own
Grant Tanquam despicatus sum vinco Although I am despised I conquer
Grant Te favente virebo Under thy favour I shall flourish
Grant Touch not the cat bot a glove Touch not the cat bot a glove
Grant Wise and harmless Wise and harmless
Grant-Dalton Stabit It shall stand
Grantham Honore et amore With honour and love
Grantley Avi numerantur avorum A long train of ancestry is enumerated
Granville Frangas non flectes Thou may’st break, but shalt not bend me
Granville Pro patriœ amicis For the friends of my country
Granville Repetens exempla suorum Following the example of his ancestors
Grattan Pro patria vivere et mori To live and die for our country
Gratten Esse quam videri To be rather than seem to be
Graver-Browne Sur esperance Upon hope
Graves Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Graves Graves disce mores Learn serious manners, or Graves learn manners
Graves Per sinum Codanum Through the Baltic
Gravine Always helping Always helping
Gray Anchor, fast anchor Anchor, fast anchor
Gray Clarior e flammis Brighter from the flame
Gray Clarior e tenebris The brighter from previous obscurity
Gray Constant Constant
Gray Fast Fast
Gray Tenebo I will hold
Gray Vixi liber et moriar I have lived a freeman and will die one
Grazebrook Nec sinit esse feros It (education) does not suffer them to be brutal
Greame C’est la seule vertu qui donne la noblesse Virtue alone confers nobility
Greathead Esperance en Dieu Hope in God
Greaves Aquila non captat muscas The eagle catcheth not flies
Greaves In veritate triumpho I triumph in the truth
Greaves Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Green Æquam servare mentem To preserve an equal mind
Green Nec timeo, nec sperno I neither fear nor despise
Green Semper viidis Always flourishing
Green Virescit vulnere virtus Her virtue flourishes by her wound
Green Virtus semper viridis Virtue is ever green
Greendhill In te, Domine, speravi In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust
Greenhill Homos alit artes Honour nourishes arts
Greenless Viresco I flourish
Greenly Fal y gallo As I can
Greenly Loyouf as thow fynds Loyouf as thow fynds
Greensugh Fide, sed cui vide Trust, but in whom take care
Greenwood Ut prosim aliis That I may be of use to others
Greg Scrogal ma dhream Loyal is my tribe
Gregorson E’in do and spare not E’in do and spare not
Gregory Libertas Liberty
Gregory Nec deficit Nor is another wanting
Gregory Vigilanter Watchfully
Gregson Vigilo I watch
Greig Persevere Persevere
Greig Strike sure Strike sure
Grenehalgh Omnia debeo Deo I owe all things to God
Grenfell Loyal devoir Loyal duty
Grenville Benigno Numine By benign providence
Grenville Vix ea nostra voco I scarce call these things our own
Grenwood In do bait spair nocht In do bait spair nocht
Gresley Meliore fide quam fortunâ With better fidelity than fortune
Grey A ma puissance According to my power
Grey De bon vouloir servir le roy To serve the king with right good will
Grey Mentis honestœ gloria The glory of an honest mind
Greystock Volo non valeo I am willing but unable
Grier Hoc securior Safer by this
Grierson Spem renovat He renews his hope
Grieson Hoc securior Safer by this
Grieve Candide et caute Candidly and cautiously
Grieve Candide, sincere With candour and sincerity
Grieve Hoc securior Safer by this
Grieve J’ai la clef I have the key
Griffen Vincam I shall conquer
Griffen Vincit qui devincit He conquers who endears
Griffin Non quo, sed quo modo Not for whom, but in what manner
Griffith A fine From the end
Griffith Aut vi aut suavitate Either by force or mildness
Griffith Firmitas et sanitas Strength and health
Griffith Le bon temps viendra The prosperous time will come
Griffiths Non crux, sed lux Not the cross, but its light
Grigg Ut prosim That I may be of use
Grimaldi Deo juvante By God’s assistance
Grimshaw Tenax propositi vinco Being firm of purpose I conquer
Grimston Faitz proverount Deeds will prove
Grimston Mediocria firma Mediocrity is safe
Grindley Devant si je puis Foremost if I can
Grindley Non degener Not degenerated
Grive J’ai la clef I have the key
Grneville Deo, patriœ, amicis To God, my country, and my friends
Groat Anchor fast Anchor fast
Grogan Honor et virtus Honour and virtue
Gronow Growi hil Gwernimon Gronow’s of the race of princes
Groseth Pro patria For my country
Grossett Pro patria auxilio Dei For my country with God’s help
Grosvenor Virtus, non stemma Virtue, not pedigree
Grout Ingenio et merito By ability and desert
Grove Ni dessus, ni dessous Neither above nor below
Grove Sans changer Without changing
Grover Le roy, la roy, la foy King, law, faith
Growse Grossos qui rodit roditur Grossos qui rodit roditur
Groze Deo juvante By God’s assistance
Grrissell Prenez garde Take care
Grubb Strength is from heaven Strength is from heaven
Grundy In Deo sola salus The only salvation is in God alone
Grundy Recte faciendo audax Bold in doing justly
Grylis Vires agminis unus habet One has the strength of an army
Guest Ferro non gladio By iron, not by the sword
Guest Nec sperno, nec timeo I neither despise nor fear
Guevera La mayor victorio de ellas es el bien merecellas The greatest victory is in having deserved it
Guildford Animo et fide By courage and faith
Guildford La vertu est la seule noblesse Virtue is the only nobility
Guillamore Vulneratus non victus Wounded not conquered
Guilly Nil nisi cruce Nothing unless by the cross
Guiness Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God
Gulland Innocence surmounts Innocence surmounts
Gulliver Non dormit qui custodit The sentinel sleeps not
Gullon Tutum refugium A safe refuge
Gumbleton Memento mori Remember that thou must die
Gun Vincit amor patriœ The love of my country exceeds everything
Gunman Par la volonté de Dieu By the will of God
Gunn Aut pax aut bellum Either peace or war
Gunn Vel pax, vel bellum Either peace or war
Gunning Imperio regit unus œquo One only rules with unbiassed sway
Gunning Vérité sans peur Truth without fear
Gurdlestone Veilliez et ne craignez pas Watch and fear not
Gurdon In arduis viget virtus Virtue flourishes in adversity
Gurdon Virtus viget in arduis Virtue flourishes in difficulties
Gurdon-Rebow In arduis viget virtus Virtue flourishes in adversity
Gurney Dum spiro spero While I have breath I hope
Gurwood Follow me Follow me
Gurwood Pour jamais For ever
Gusthart Avitos novit honores He knows his ancestral honours
Gutch Cito fideliterque Quickly and faithfully
Guthrie Ditat et alit It enriches and nourishes
Guthrie Ex unitate incrementum Increase from unity
Guthrie Sto pro veritate I stand for the truth
Guthry Ex unitate incrementum Increase from unity
Guthry Pietas et frugalitas Piety and frugality
Guthry Sto pro veritate I stand for the truth
Guy Dare quam accipere Rather to give than to receive
Gwilt Chacun sa part Each his share
Gwinnett Virtus nobilitat Virtue ennobles
Gwyn Expectes et sustineas Thou mayest hope and endure
Gwyn Gogoniant y cleddyf Glory to the sword
Gwyn-Holford Vim vi repellere licet It is lawful to repel force by force
Gwynne Conabimur We will try
Gwynne Gogoniant y cleddyf Glory to the sword
Gyll Virtutis gloria merces Glory is the reward of valour

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