ARMORIAL GOLD HERALDRY SYMBOLISM LIBRARY All Rights Reserved “The Largest Heraldry Symbolism Library on the Internet”
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IBEX: Also called a Steinbok, the Ibex is a wild goat that is said to be the stock of the tame goat. The Ibex is a creature that dwells in the mountains, has large knotty horns reclining on its back, is of a yellowish brown colour, and has a black beard. It is mentioned in the Bible as one of the clean animals that the children of Israel were allowed to eat. The Arabs know the Ibex as the Beden; they live in small herds of eight or ten and are still found in Palestine. The extremely strong and often fabled horns of the Ibex were generally acknowledged, as a symbol of renewal and rejuvenation and the Ibex itself is a harbinger of spring and a unifier of nature. Because of the Ibex's healing influence it soon faced extinction as unfailing powers were attributed to its antlers, blood and parts of his heart. Medieval pharmacies used the dried and pulverized blood as an ingredient in many medicines. In the late Middle Ages the number of Ibexes continued to decrease, calling for Emperor Maximilian to put them under protection to prevent possible extinction. Known as the 'great stag' to the Sumerians, the Ibex became known as not only a symbol of healing but also of nobility as it was they (only) who were permitted to hunt them. INCRESCENT: A special honour received by the sovereign; hope of greater glory. See Crescent. INKHORN (penner, pen): An inkwell. Signifies the liberal art of writing and of learned employment. INESCUTCHEON: A coat of arms borne as a shield (escutcheon) of Pretence; superimposed upon a shield of arms in testimony of the claim of a prince to the sovereignty of the country so represented, or if by a private person, then as a sign that he had married the heiress of the family indicated. INK-MOLINE: See Fer-de-Moline. IRISH BROGUE (Dutch boot, boot, antique boot, shoe etc.): An Irish boot of un-tanned leather; the shoe being a sign of dignity and the shoeless foot a mark of servitude. The brogue is an Irish symbol of respect. IVY LEAVES: Protection and healing; strong and lasting friendship; the ivy and vine were by the Romans consecrated to Bacchus, as the Myrtle to Venus, the poplar to Hercules, wheat-ears to Ceres, and Reeds to the river gods. |
![]() Copyright ©2001-2025 - Armorial Gold Heraldry Services - Heraldry Symbolism Library by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services is provided as a free resource tool for Heraldry enthusiasts. The Heraldry Symbolism Library and the information contained therein, has been researched through original manuscripts and Armorial Golds own sources. The Heraldry Symbolism Library is provided as a free resource tool for Heraldry enthusiasts. Reproduction in any form is prohibited. |