650 Heraldry Terms Translated from French to English For the Exclusive Personal use of Armorial Gold Members |
FRENCH-TO-English |
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Cabossé-Cyprès |
Cabossé, Caboché Cabré, Acculé Cadenas Caducée Caillou Calice Canard Canellé Canon Canot Canton Cantonnée Caparaçonné Carnation Carpe Carquois Cartouche Casque, Heaume Castor Centaure Cep de Vigne Cerf Cerisier Chameau Champ Chandelier Chantant Chapeau Chapeau avec Houppes Chapelet Chapelle, Eglise Chapperoné Charboucle, Escarboucle Chardon Chargé Charrue Chat Chataignier Chateau Chaudron Chausee-trappes Chauve-Souris Chef Chef Bastillé Chêne Cherubin Cheval Chevalier Chevelée Cheville Chèvre Chevron Chevroné Chicot Chien Chien Mariné Chouette Cigogne Cimier Claricorde Clariné Cleché Clef Cloche Clos Clou de la Passion Cloue Coeur Colleté Colombe Colonne Comète Componé Conjoindre, Accolé Contourné Contre Escartelé Contre Escartelent Contre Hermine Contre-Appaumé Contre-Componé Contrefacé Contrepalé Contrepotencé Contre-Saillants Contre-Vair Contrevairé Coq Coquerelles Coquille Cor de Chasse, Huchet Corbeau Corbeille Cordé Corneille Cotice Cotoyé Couchant Couchant Couée, Couard Coupe Coupée Coupé Coupeau, Montagne Couple Fin Courant Courbé Couronné Couteau Crampon Crapaud, Grenouille Crenelé Cresté Cresté Crète Crevette Criné Croc Croisette Croissant Croix Cuiller Cygne Cyprès |
Caboshed Rearing (Horse) Padlock Caduceous Stone Chalice Duck Invecked Cannon Boat (Row Boat) Canton Cantoned Caparisoned (saddled, bridled) Proper (Relating to Humans) Carp (Fish) Quiver (of Arrows) Oval Escutcheon Helmet Beaver Centaur Grape Vine Stag Cherry Tree Camel Field (Shield) Candlestick Crowing (Coq) Cap of Maintenance Ecclesiastical Hat Chaplet (Oak, Laurel) Church, Chapel Hooded (Falcon) Escarbuncle Thistle Charged Pough Cat Chestnut Tree Castle Cauldron Caltraps Bat Chief Chief Embattled Oak Cherub Horse Knight Crined (Human Hair) Tyne (Stag) Goat Chevron Chevrony Stock (of a Tree) Dog Sea Dog Owl Stork Crest (above helmet) Clarion Belled Cleché (as in Cross Cleché) Key Bell Close Passion Nail Nail Heart Collared Dove Column Comet Compony Conjoined Facing the Sinister Counter Quartered Quarterly Quartered Ermines Aversant (Hand) Counter Compony Barry Per Pale Paly Per Fess Counter Potent Salient (Counter Salient) Vair (Counter Vair) Counter Vair Cock Hazel Nuts Escalop Hunting Horn (Bugle Horn) Raven Basket Stringed (Bow) Crow Cotice, Cost Cottised Couchant Lodged (as in Stag) Coward (as in a Lion's Tail) Cup Couped Per Fess Mount Couple Close Courant Embowed (Dolphin etc) Crowned Knife Cramp Frog. Toad Embattled Combed Crested (or Combed-Cock) Crest (Cock)) Prawn Crined (Animal Hair) Crosier Crosslet Crescent Cross Spoon Swan Cypress Tree |
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