Welcome to Armorial Gold

Armorial Gold Heraldry Samples Lots of titles to choose from Heraldic Symbolism Heraldic Symbolism How to Blazon a coat of arms History of Heraldry Heraldic Family Mottoes of heraldry Heraldry Learning Centre How to Contact Armorial Gold Some important links Member Login


Please email us to place your order, our new automated order processing system is not ready yet.

Email: support@heraldryclipart.com

Service Status Updates

Sep 18, 2023 Outage
We have an all day power outage here today. The site was down for a few hours while we got backup power working.

We will have a brief outage around 5PM PST (UTC -7)
Jan 23, 2023 Password Reset for old accounts
We are in the process of sending out a one time email message asking people with really old passwords to reset them to take advantage of upgraded security in our system.

This is also a good time to review the contact options on the My Account page, if you have none of the options selected you will not receive any more messages from us.

Also check that you have the correct email address in your account in case you need to reset your password or if you do want to receive occasional notifications.

Since we have user accounts over 20 years old, a large number of the email addresses no longer exist, we will not be trying to contact addresses that failed a second time, if you had an account but can't remember the user name or no longer have access to the old email address, just send us a message at support@heraldryclipart.com and we will try to find and fix your account manually.

Thankyou Everybody for your support.
My Account Page
Dec 23, 2022 Patron Bonus Images
Another batch of Patron Bonus Images have been added today, and we have fixed an error that may have been preventing them from showing in the browser.
Dec 01, 2022 Improvements to image details page.
We have added more detailed and useful messages to indicate why an image may not be available to download.
Nov 09, 2022 Outage November 16
Our internet provider has notified us of a planned outage.

Expected duration 25 minutes.

Some time in the time window of 12:00 am - 6:00 am Mountain time (UTC -7) November 16, 2022

Oct 31, 2022 Planned Outage
Our internet provider has notified us of a planned outage.

Expected duration 25 minutes.

Some time in the time window of 12:00 am - 6:00 am Mountain time (UTC -7)

Sep 26, 2022 Planned Outage
We will be down Tuesday September 26, 2022 for up to an hour around 11:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC - 7) while we upgrade some equipment to make the site much faster.
Jul 19, 2022 Bug-fix
Fixed a bug in the Crests Book alphabetical lists that was preventing details from being shown for some names.
May 24, 2022 Dictionary Search Now Available
There is now a dictionary search function available in the Members' Area
This allows quick lookup of heraldry terms, the searchable dictionary draws from our updated and expanded database.
Information here goes beyond what is found in the alphabetical lists.
Dictionary Search
May 05, 2022 Updates in progress
We are doing some software updates on out servers today, apologies for the site going down for a while, some updates just need a bit of down time to complete.
Mar 08, 2022 Coming Soon, More Books
We are working on getting an index of the books in our reference library onto the site so that members have a better idea of what research sources that we have available.
After that we will continue to work towards getting more of the books online in digital form.
If there is interest, we may work on a voting system to allow members to indicate which books they would like to see made available first.

Does anybody read these notices? Let us know.
Dec 24, 2021 Outage
Our apologies for the extended outage last night and today.

A car destroyed a utility pole near our office in the evening and service power was not restored until after we needed to be asleep.

Recovery in still in progress, so the site will be slow today and may go down for a bit as we fix a few things.
Nov 22, 2021 Outage
We had a power supply failure on our web server while the backup server was doing maintenance.

The power supply was replaced with an on hand spare and the server is now back up, things could be a little slow while redundancy is restored.
Oct 22, 2021 Scanning
We have just acquired a vintage drum scanner.

This scanner can scan oversized documents and transparencies at very high resolution.

If any members have large documents that need to be scanned, we can probably help.

The limitation with a drum scanner is only that the document needs to be wrapped around the drum (so it is not not suitable for scanning books). For large books, the solution is usually photographing the pages in a stand that can flatten the pages or to use software that removes the page distortion from pages that will not lay flat.
Oct 12, 2021 New Feature: The Book of Family Crests
We have added a scanned and transcribed book for the Members' Area features. The Book of Family crests includes over 20,000 blazons of family crests from the British Empire. You can browse the alphabetical lists to view the details of a crest that often includes a sample illustration to illustrate the meaning of the blazons. Also included is links to scanned pages to check our transcription for errors.

Yet to be added is search and we still have data cleanup to do.
The Book of Family Crests
Jun 01, 2021 Coming Soon, additional crest data.
We have been working on Transcribing 'The Book of Family Crests' 1840 - 1882 Editions. That contains over 23,000 crests of families throughout the British Empire.

We now have all of the blazons entered into a database and our next step will be getting a search capability added to the site.

We may be looking for testers, send an email if you are interested.
Mar 10, 2021 Members' Area - Enhancement to Find
The Find function in the Members' Area no includes a link to the thumbnail browser folder that contains each result to make it quick and easy to get to a location.
Jun 15, 2020 Search system update
The Motto and Blazon search systems have been updated to make them easier to use.
Previously, including short very common words in a search would stop the search from returning results.
The system has been updated to remove that limitation.

Thanks to a member for pointing out the problem.
Please let us know if you run into problems using the site so that we can keep improving.
Apr 27, 2020 Automated password recovery
An automated method for recovering forgotten passwords has been added. Let us know if it does not seem to work for you.
Nov 15, 2019 Search Fixes
Some bugs with the search functions have been fixed.
Oct 09, 2019 French to English Blazon Translator
A few weeks ago we added a translator that largely automates the translation of French blazons into (heraldic) English.

This premium feature destined eventually for Gold members is currently available to all members during our testing and development period. So check it out and let us know what you think.
French Blazon Translator
Aug 19, 2019 Status update
The phone line has been fixed for a while, we forgot to update this log. Calls will now make it to the office as expected

System updates... We are in the process of installing critical security updates on our servers, one or two site outages of up to 30 minutes can be expected sometime in the next 24 hours when we finalise the updates.
Jul 01, 2019 PHONE LINE DOWN
Our telephone line is not working. We have requested repair but until it is fixed you will get no answer and need to contact us by email.

We will post here again when it is fixed.
Jun 23, 2019 The Gauntlet is Back
We are returning archived issues of the members' newsletter to the site.

You can now browse back issues going back as far as 2007. We will be cleaning up the formatting and making them more accessible as we get time and will eventually recover some even older issues.

And there will be new content added as time permits...
The Gauntlet Archives
Jun 06, 2019 User Account Manager added
We have added a My Account page to the members' area that will allow you to update your email address in our records, change your password and set email communication preferences.

We encourage you to change your password at least once, especially if you are still using your original password.

Not everybody at once though, this is a new feature. If anything goes wrong we will get it fixed as quickly as we can, just email us to let us know.

Also, refresh our home page to see other exciting news.
May 19, 2019 Progress on fixing image browsers
The image browsers now show most of the images and represent the folder structure of the download packages reasonably well.

The Find function in the Members' area is now using data updated to more clearly show where to look for listed items.
May 05, 2019 Image Database fixes
Many images were not showing in the thumbnail browsers, many still are not shown, but the fix is in progress.
Images should start to appear correctly and the database cleanup progresses.
Some duplicate empty groups will remain until we are finished.

Next comes improving the browser.
Apr 15, 2019 New Abbreviations Reference
We have added a new Abbreviations Reference page, available to all, where we will be collating all the abbreviations peculiar to heraldry and related writings. We will expand this over time as we encounter additional obscure abbreviations.
Abbreviations Reference
Feb 10, 2019 Extended Power Outage
The site was down most of the day and night on Feb 9th because of widespread local power outages that affected us and our internet service provider.

We are sorry for any inconvenience, we are back up now and the major windstorm appears to have passed.

Local weather predicts a smaller storm later today, with lower winds but more snow.

We don't expect additional outages as most of the trees and branches are already down. :)
Jan 10, 2019 Bug Fix
Member's Area Thumbnail browser was not creating correct links for sub-groups. Fixed
Jan 02, 2019 Mobile Enhancements
We are continuing to work on making the site more mobile (phone) friendly. Hopefully you will already have noticed some improvements if you use the site on your phone.

The first pass through is just trying to get everything to fit the screen width. Unfortunately for some pages this is leading to a lot of scrolling past index information at the top, once we get through everything fixing width problems, we will look at cleaning up the need to scroll past so much at the top.

Let us know if we have broken anything and we will make it a priority to fix it.
Dec 20, 2018 Storm Outage
The site was down for server hours today due to a widespread power outage in our area caused by high winds.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
Nov 26, 2018 Site overhaul for mobile
We have started to rework the site to work better for devices with small screens while trying to maintain or improving appearance and functionality on large screens. Please let us know if we break anything.

Some important pages are not visible at the moment we will be restored get access and updating them as quickly as possible. If you can’t find something, email and we will send you the information or a link.
Nov 07, 2018 This Page
This page, added today, is our new place to share updates about what we are working on.

We are still looking for feedback on the recently added member features and things you would like to see.
Nov 03, 2018 Member's Motto Search
Members can now search our motto database using words in the motto (both the original and English) or by name. This should make finding a needed motto quicker and easier as well as allowing us to easily expand the collection of mottoes.
Login and get access to the new Motto Search capability.

This is beta, please let us know what works and what does not work.
Motto Search (login required)
Oct 29, 2018 New and Improved Blazon Search
Members can now search our blazon database using words in the blazon not just the name. This should make it possible to look at an unknown coat of arms and find likely associated names. This could also be useful for locating obvious conflicts when creating a new coat of arms.

We call this a Reverse Blazon Search.

This is beta, please let us know what works and what does not.
Reverse Blazon Search (login requited)
Oct 15, 2018 Members Image Search
Members can now login and get access to a new search capability that can help to locate a needed image very quickly. Images from most of our packages are included in the results along with notes about where to find them.
Click to Login
Oct 13, 2018 Our new Member Resource page is up!
Members can now login and get access to some new members only site features. The first one is thumbnail browsing for previously purchased products.
Click here to login
Oct 02, 2018 Our new product browser is working!
With the end of support for our old shopping cart, we have gone live with the preliminary version of our new product browser. You can now see previews of pretty much the entire contents of each package (if you have the patience to go through the massive number of items).
Links to the old Features pages should have all been replaced with links to the new Products pages, if you end up on the old page, 'refresh' to see the new page.
Some new features for existing members are close to preview.
Sep 09, 2018 More new pages for you to try:
Each of the packages now has a Thumbnails (beta) link. This lets you see thumbnail previews of the majority of the files in each collection.
There are some glitches that we will be correcting as time allows but this immediately gives a far more exhaustive preview of the content of each package than was previously possible.
Aug 29, 2018 We finally have something new for you to try:
This lets you see thumbnail previews of the majority of the files in the gold collection. Similar browsers will be comming for all of the products. Let us know what you think so we can make it even better.
Gold Collection Thumbnails Browser
Aug 27, 2018 Status Update
We have moved the site to our own server in preparation for the introduction of new features that require access to our large database.
We have enabled HTTPS encryption for the site, you should automatically be redirected to the secure version of the site.

Copyright Information

Copyright © 2001-2025 - Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.
Our Heraldry Art is hand drawn in vector format by our graphic artists. Heraldic art samples are provided as a courtesy to potential buyers and the heraldry samples remain the property of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Reproduction in any form other than in the manner stipulated in the Armorial Gold Heraldry Services license agreement or FAQ section or by special arrangement is strictly prohibited.
All Heraldry Art and Heraldry Clipart, vector and bitmap, including: Gods and Goddesses Clip-art, Saints Clipart, Italian Coat of Arms Images, Birds of Prey Clipart, Heraldic Alphabets clipart, Spanish Coat of Arms images, English and British Coat of Arms images, Irish coat of arms images, Das Wapen German Coat of Arms images, Dutch Coats of Arms images, French Coat of Arms Images, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Coat of Arms images, Polish Coat of Arms Clipart, Portuguese Coat of Arms, Austrian Coat of Arms, Swiss Coat of Arms, Welsh Coat of Arms clipart, American Coat of Arms Coats images, Heraldry Badge images, Heraldic Crest images, Irish Coat of Arms Clipart, Knighthood Orders images, and all other heraldic, coat of arms, or companion images contained in this site including downloads are copyright Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Heraldic Symbolism information in our Heraldry symbolism library and Heraldic definitions in out Heraldry Dictionary are copyright Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.
All heraldic and companion images purchased through this site are governed by a license agreement executed between the buyer and Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.