Armorial Gold's Heraldry Dictionary |
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Heraldry Dictionary Section G Gabions. Baskets of Willow filled with earth to make a parapet, or cover. Gad. A plate of steel, or iron. Gad-bee. Or Dung-fly. Gad-fly or Brimsey. See Gad-bee. Gadlyngs. Small spikes projecting from the knuckles of medieval gauntlets. Gally, Gallie, or Galley. A vessel with oars. See Lymphad. Galthrap, Galtrap, Cheval-trap, Caltrap, Chausse-trap or Gal-trap. Termed Galtraps from their application to the purpose of calling horses; they are iron instruments, used in war to prevent or retard the advance of cavalry, and consist of four points so formed that whichever way they are placed one point is always erect. Gamashes. See Buskin. Game, Gambe or Jambe. The whole fore leg of a beast; If couped or erased near the middle joint, it is called a paw. Gammadion. A Cross potent rebated. Gannapes. See Turkey Cock. Gantlet or Gauntlop. See Gauntlet. Garb. A sheaf of Wheat. If the sheaf is of any other grain, the particular grain must be named, and when the straw is of a different tincture to the ears, it must be mentioned; as a Garb or. Eared ppr. Gardant or Guardant. Signifies fullfaced, when applied to the Lion, Tiger, etc. This term does not apply to the Deer-Kind; they are said to be at Gaze. Garde-de-bras or Garbraille. The elbow piece, with buckles and straps as worn toward the end of the fifteenth century. Garden-pales or Park-Pales. Are depicted with pointed tops and conjoined. Garue-visure. The vizor of a helmet, which is a safeguard and defence for the face. Garland, Chaplet, or Wreath of flowers or leaves. A Garland of Roses, is always composed of four flowers and the rest leaves. Garlick. A plant. Garnished. Ornamented. Sometimes used for Semée. Garter, Order of. See Knighthood Orders of. Garter. Generally borne in the form of a circle buckled and nowed, with ornamented end pendent, as the Garter is sometimes divided and called a Demi Garter, or Perclose. A Garter, with Motto, is now very frequently met with surrounding the Arms, Crest, or Cyphers, of persons who are not members of any Order of Knighthood, and who, therefore, have in reality no right whatever to it. Garter, King of Arms. The principal officer of the Order of the Garter, and principal King of Arms in the Corporation of the Heralds' College, or College of Arms. Garter or Gartier. A diminutive of the Bend. Garter-plate. See Stall-Plates. Gate. Also termed Yate. Sometimes blazoned a Bar-Gate, the number of bars being named. Gaules. Gules. Gauntlet. Also termed Gantlet. An iron glove; it must in blazon be named whether a dexter, or sinister gauntlet. Gauntleted. Being armed with a Gauntlet. Gaze. All the Deer-kind when borne full faced, or looking affrontée, are said to be at Gaze. All other beasts in this attitude are called Guardant. Gazon. A sod, or tuft of grass. Ged. A Pike or Lucy. Gemel or Gemew. See Bar-Gemel. Gem-ring. A ring set with some precious stone. Gemel-ring. See Gimmal-Ring. Gemmel, Gimble or Gimbal-Ring. Also termed a Gemmow-Ring. See Gimmal Ring. Gemulate. A Bar Gemelle. Genealogy. The systematical account of the origin and alliances of Families, vid. Pedigree. Abbreviations and Marks met with in Genealogies. Æ. or Æt. Age. b. Born. bap., or bapt. Baptized. bd., bu., bur., burd., Buried coh., or cohr. Coheir. co., or con. In the county of. d. Died. da., or dau. Daughter. da., or dau. & coh. Daughter and Heiress. fil. et. hær. Son and Heir. h. Heir. hr. ap., or appart. Heir Apparent. m., md., or mar. Married. na., or nat. Born. ob., or obt. Died. ob. inf. Died an infant. ob. jnv. Died in youth. ob. inf. æt. Died a minor. ob. cœl. Died a bachelor. ob. inn. Died a spinster. ob. s.p. Died without iisne. ob. s.p. leg. Died without lawful issue. ob. s.p. mas. Died without male issue. ob. s.p.s. Died without surviving issue. ob. v.p. Died in the lifetime of his or her Father. s. Son. s. & h. Son and Heir. sp. or sepult. Buried. temp. In the time of. unmar. Unmarried. viv. or vix. Was living, or lived in the time of. wid. Widow. = Signifies married. | | when placed under a name signifies that he or she had children. X signifies extinction of that branch of the family. Genet. A small animal. Genovillier. A piece of armour that covers the knee. Gentle. Well-born, of a good family. Gentle-flower or Flower-Gentle. A semée of which is borne in the arms of Caius College, Cambridge. Gentleman. Under this term are comprised all that are above yeomen and artificers. A Gentleman has either inherited Coat Armour from his ancestors, or lias received a patent for a new coat from the King of Arms. His achievement is the same as that of an Esquire. Gentry. The lesser nobility, gentlemen, descended from ancient families that have borne Coat Armour. Genuant. In a kneeling posture. George, St. The patron Saint of England. The Cross of St. George is red on a white field. George. The George is the pendant to the collar of the order of the garter. Gerattie. An ancient term for powdering or semée. Gerattyng. The ancient practice of powdering shields for difference. Gerbe. A garb. Geroune or Geronny. See Gyronnée. Gilly-flower or July-flower. A species of carnation of a red colour. Gimlet. See Wine-Piercer. Gimmal-ring. A double ring. Gimmal-rings are also borne triple and quadruple. Giraffe. Also Camelopard. Giron. See Gyron. Gironne, Girony or Gyronny. See Gyronne. Gironette. A term for towers, when topped with spears. Girt, Girded, or Cinctured. Bound round with a girdle, or band. Gives or Gyves. Fetters. Glaive or Gleave. A javelin. Glaymore. See Claymore. Glaziers' Nippers or Grater. A tool used by glaziers, and borne by them as part of their armorial ensign. Gliding or Glissant. A term used to blazon serpents, snakes, etc., when moving forwards in Fesse. Globe-Broken or Fractured. The Crest of Hope is a broken globe under a rainbow, with clouds at each end. Glory. A Nimbus, or circle of glory. The Christian attribute of Sanctity. Glove. A Falconer's glove pendent, and a like glove with a tassel. Gloved. The hand covered with a glove. Goare. See Gore. Goat. A quadruped. If the bearing is an Assyrian, Indian or Angola goat, it must be blazoned as such. Gobbone. See Gobone. Gobone, Gobony or Gobonated. Is composed of two tinctures in equal divisions. If it consists of two rows of chequers, it is termed Counter-Gobony, or Counter-Componee, for Componee is the same as Gobony. Gobon. An old term for a Whiting. Gobony. See Gobone. Gold. One of the metals termed or in engraving is expressed by dots. Golden Fleece. See Fleece. Golden Orb. See Mound. Goldfinch. A beautiful bird. Golpes or Golps. Roundles of a purple colour. Gonfalon or Gonfannon. A banner, standard, or ensign. Gonne. A cannon, same as Culvering. Goose. A well-known aquatic fowl. See also Barnacle Goose. Gordian-knot. A double orle of annulets, linked to each other, and to one in the centre. It is sometimes called the double knot of Navarre, being the arms of that kingdom. Gore. Either dexter, or sinister, the former is honourable, the latter being tenne dishonourable as an abatement for cowardice in battle. Gored or Goree. Cut into large arched indents; the same as Per-bend Nuée Double Arched. Gorged. A term to express any animal or bird, having its neck encircled with a crown, coronet, collar, or wreath. Gorge. A term used by Leigh for Water-bouget. Gorges. See Gurges. Gorget. Armour worn round the neck. Gory. Red, the hand of the Baronet's badge is sometimes called a goryhand. Goshawk. A Falcon without bells. Goulis, Gowles or Gowlys. Gules. Gourd. A many seeded fruit. Gournet or Gurnet. A fish. Gousses. Same as bean pods. Gouts, Gouttée or Gutty. See Guttée. Gowlys. Gules. Gradiant. A term applied to a Tortoise supposed walking. Grady. Represents steps, or degrees. Graft. A point in point. Grafted. Inserted and fixed. Gramine. A chaplet of grass. Granada, Apple of. A Pomegranate. Grand-quarterings. See Marshalling. Grannapye. Same as Shoveller. Grapes. Grapes on the vine branch are frequently met with in Coat Armour. See Vine Branch Fructed. Grapple. See Cramp. Grappling-iron. An instrument used in the navy. Grasping. Holding. Gray. A Badger, or Brock. Grayled. Same as Engrailed. Grayling. A fish. Grazing. See Browsing. Greave. That part of the armour which covers the leg from the knee to the foot. Greek Cross. Has its four limbs all of equal length. Greces, steps. A cross on three greces. See Grieces. Green. Vert. Green, or Wild-Man. A savage. Greeze. See Grieces. Grell. Same as Engrailed. Grenade. A hollow ball; a kind of bomb filled with powder, and fired by means of a fuse. Greyhound. A slender dog fitted for running. Grices. Young wild boars. Gridiron. The emblem of St. Lawrence. Grieces, Greeces, Greces, Grees, Greezes or Griezes. Steps. Griffin, Griffon, or Gryphon. A Fabulous animal. It has the wings, fore feet and head of an Eagle with the addition of ears; the body, hind legs, and tail of a Lion. When the Griffin is in the position of Rampant it is not to be so blazoned, but is said to be segreant. Griffin Male. Is represented without wings, having tufts from various parts of the body. It is also termed Alee, or Alice. Griggs, or Elvers. Young eels. Gringalee, Gringole, or Guivré. Any bearing so termed when its extremities end with the heads of Serpents. Gripe. Medieval name for Griffin. Griphon. See Griffin. Gripping. When hands, paws, or talons, are represented grasping anything. Grise. See Grieces. Grit-tie. A term for a field composed equally of metal and colour. Grose. Or Drawing Board. Grove of trees. Also termed a Wood or Hurst. Gryce. See Grice. Grype or Gryphon. See Griffin. Guardant or Gardant. Said of Lions, Tigers, etc., when full faced. Guards. Rows of Fur upon the dexter side of Peer's Mantles and denote the rank, viz. Four guards for a Duke, Three and half for a Marquis. Three for an Earl. Two and a half for a Viscount and Two for a Baron. Guarded. Applied to Mantles when
trimmed with rows of Fur, etc. Guay or Cheval Guay. A horse rearing. Gudgeon. A fish. Guelphic or Hanoverian Order. See Knighthood Orders of. Guige. A Shield-belt worn over the right shoulder. Guinea Pig. A small quadruped. Guinea-Wheat. See Wheat. Guiron. See Gyron. Guisarme. The same as Halbert. Guivre. See Gringalee. Gules. Red. ln engraving is represented by perpendicular lines, and is expressed sometimes in Blazon by the precious stone Ruby, or the planet Mars, etc. Guly. See Gules. Gun-shot or Gun-Stone. An old name for Pellet, or Ogress. Gorges. See Whirlpool. Gurnard, Gournet or Gurnet. A fish. Gurnet. A fish. Gusset. Dexter and sinister. When sanguine both are abatements. Guttle or Gouttes. See Guttée. Guttée, or Gutty, from the Latin gutta a drop. Guttée is a term which expresses the field, or any charge strewed over with drops. In blazon, be it observed, you are not to say guttée of such a co!our, for the name expresses the colour; e.g. Gold drops are termed Guttée d'or; drops of water guttée d'ea.u; drops of blood guttée de sang. Guydon or Guydhomme. See Guidon. Guze. Roundle of a Sanguine or Murry colour. Gypsy's Head. See Head. Gyration. A winding. Gyron. A gore in a Robe, Gown or Coat, formed by two straight lines, drawn from the dexter fesse and chief points, meeting in an acute angle in the fesse point. If the Gyron issues from any other part of the shield it must be mentioned. The Gyron is subject to the accidental forms of lines, as engrailed, invecked, wavy, and the like. Gyronne, Gyronny or Gyrony. The field is said to be Gyronny when divided into several Gyrons. Gyronways. Anything disposed in the form of a Gyron. Gyton. A pennon, or flag with pointed ends.
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