By Royal warrant, dated India Office, 15th Sept., 1887 - The Queen taking unto her Royal consideration the expediency of making certain changes in the constitution of the Order of the Indian Empire, as well by altering the designation of the Order as by adding thereto additional Classes, so as to enable her Majesty, her Heirs and Successors, to reward a greater number of persons who, by their services, oflicial or other, to her Majesty's Indian Empire, have merited the Royal favour, has been graciously pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdon of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date the second day of August, 1886, to revoke and abrogate so much of the Royal Warrant bearing date the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, by which the said Order was instituted, as limits the same to the Sovereign, a Grand Master and one class of Members or Companions, and as is inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of the now recited Letters Patent. And to ordain, direct, and appoint that the said Order of Knighthood shall henceforth be styled and designated in all acts, proceedings and pleadings as "The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire". |