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respected as a symbol of strength

Webster's (1828) describes the Wolf as "a beast of prey that kills sheep and other small domestic animals." Sometimes called the wild dog, the Wolf is crafty, greedy and ravenous. From mythology and story telling from all parts of the world, the Wolf has carried a sense of contradiction: a wild and fearful animal that can represent death and Satan; but at the same time a companion to the goddess Artemis and Scandinavian god, Odin. Throughout ancient history the Wolf was admired and respected as a symbol of strength, intelligence and courage. Neolithic artists duplicated its image on cave walls. Shamans sought its power. Even Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome, were reportedly nurtured and raised by Wolves. Eventually, this noble legend became the "bloodthirsty savage" of European lore. Many cultures included the crafty Wolf in their legends. Vereticus, king of Wales, was converted by St. Patrick into a Wolf; it was an emblem of the tribe of Benjemin; the Chinese saw the Wolf as a guardian of the heavenly palace; in Japan the Wolf was admired for its ferocity, tenacity and swift attack, and was also considered to be from heaven and to be venerated.



a mark of dignity


Blue and white bell-shaped objects; said to be the skin of an animal of the weasel kind called Varus which was once used for the lining of military coats (fr. vairé); generally written vairy when definite tinctures are named; when no tinctures mentioned one assumes argent and azure.


As with all heraldic furs the Vair is a mark of dignity.




Associated with Hermes

Usually borne in pairs on either side of another charge and denote protection. This one is called two wings conjoined in base sable, semee d'etoiles, or; it's used as a crest for the Irish Barretts. Symbols of peace, flight, freedom and spiritual transport. There are many charges that feature wings which have their own meaning; such as a winged globe as a symbol of the holy spirit. In Heraldry a single wing is called a “demi vol” and usually enjoys the symbolism of the eagle. Associated with Hermes, the great messenger of the gods in Greek mythology.


symbol of forgiveness

A food and sport fish of the carp family, the Tench is a stout, small-scaled fish with a barbell at each corner of its mouth and a thick, slimy skin.


The ancients believed that the Tench was able to cure injured fishes and was often applied to human wounds; a symbol of forgiveness, regimen and sovereign remedy.


The word Wyvern is an alteration of Middle English "wyvere" for viper, it is also from Old North French wivre, and a modification of Latin vipera. A mythical beast usually represented as a 2-legged winged creature similar to a dragon (much like a cockatrice but with the head of a dragon) and with wings and a barbed serpent tail. Considered a sign of strength to those who bore the symbol the Wyvern is an ancient token associated with Mercia and the old kings of Wessex. Mercia was one of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, consisting generally of the region of the Midlands.


It was settled by Angles c.500, probably first along the Trent valley. Its history emerges from obscurity with the reign of Penda, who extended his power over Wessex (645) and East Anglia (650) to gain over-lordship of England, South of the Humber River.


Later, the Wyvern symbol was adopted by other societies including the Slavs and the people in the South-West Baltic. The Wyvern is symbolic of valour, strength, protection, warden-ship and dominion.

Popular Free Graphic Software Serif Draw for Windows has introduced some changes worth noting. The new free version is now called the Draw Plus Starter Edition and works with Vista and Windows 7. We should further note that when you have Serif ready to go, to open a wmf file you don't select "open", you use "insert" from file. For those who want to try it out, click on the Serif logo. Once you've downloaded the software Serif will send you an unlock code. The Serif website also has some good tutorials to help you along. Free software for Windows and Mac. Tips: Use "open" to open a wmf file. To ungroup the image, click once on it and choose "modify" (top command bar), then select "break". To group an image you select the image with your mouse, then choose "modify" then "Group. To download software click on the Logo.

Know of other Free graphic software programs? Please let us know so that we can post it for other members to take advantage of.

The World's Leader in Heraldry Art

Corel Draw Logo

We are leaving this help tip up, as more and more of you are upgrading

your Corel Draw software to X3 or X4

Corel Draw has changed some default settings in X3 and X4 that can render your vector images black, do the same for your F9 preview and in the case of X4 display your image excessively dark.



  • Top Command Bar/View Select 'enhanced' and not 'enhanced with overprints';

  • Top Command Bar/Tools/Color Management Color Mode for Effects-should be set at RGB (not CMYK); 

  • Top Command Bar/Tools Select 'Save Settings as default' ;

  • When importing AG graphics into X4, make sure you first group your image before using the F9 full screen preview (X3 imports the graphic already grouped).


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