THE MARTLET A bird resembling a swallow, with thighs but no visible legs representing the martin. It is a mark of Cadency and was used as the symbol of the fourth son, because its footlessness symbolized his inability to inherit, and walk on, his ancestral lands. May signify one who had to subsist by virtue and merit, not inheritance; also denotes promptness. It is said that the use of a martlet indicates that the first bearer of the arms had acquired nobility through his own exertions or by patronage, with the absence of feet on the heraldic martlet signifying the lack of ancestral foundations for his nobility. The word 'martlet' does exist in English as the name of a swift or martin and appears to have been confused with the French 'merlette' (merle) because of its similarities to the word 'martlet'. However, it is also said that the charge first appeared as a small blackbird in 1185 in the arms of Mello in Normandy and subsequently in canting arms of 'merlot', indicating that the intention was to represent the French blackbird called 'merlette'. The legend of the martlet is most appealing but readers should determine their own interpretation, as history seems to be confused about the dubious origins and myths of this marvellous bird. |
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------------------------- COMING SOON A Collection of Austrian coats of arms with a February (we hope) launch. Settled in ancient times, the Central European land that is now Austria was occupied in pre-Roman times by various Celtic tribes. It is a very interesting collection whose surnames, have Bavarian, Slav, and French influence. It is certainly something to look forward to.... |
COMING SOON Kingdom of Denmark Plus. Denmark plus Norway plus Sweden. Here's a sample of a Swedish one.
Now's a great time to upgrade your collections. Click on the Upgrade logo for your options. To upgrade the Platinum email the office. NOAH'S ARK In Christian ideology, this bearing was a way of saving believers from the "engulfing sea of godlessness" In Heraldry, the Ark symbolizes hope and survival, prospects and aspirations. |
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