THE ARMS OF THE FAIRER between or betwixt... Nisbit says, anciently women of noble descent used to bear their fathers' arms on their habits in a lozenge shield, to show their descent; and to join them with those of their husbands, tbey bore them on their habits, such as mantles and kirtles.
The practice is ancient; for in old illuminated books of heraldry and old paintings, great ladies are represented with arms on their mantles and kirtles.
The ancient heralds tell us, when the arms are both on the mantle and kirtle, they are then those of their fathers; and when there are arms on the mantle different from those on the under habit, the kirtle, she is then a wife,
Those on the mantle belong to her husband, who is a cloak to shroud the wife from all violence, and the other on the kirtle belonged to her father, accompanied or accompagnee (an ancient term for the English word between or betwixt), as the ordinaries when placed between small charges. |
THE PAINTED CARRIAGE showing the distinction... Mr. Edmondson,
in his Complete Body of Heraldry, says, in the year 1760 he proposed to
several of the peers, to paint on their
THE OX In the language of olde is one of the most
serviceable Creatures to Man, as being of great Use for the Plow^ whilst
living, and excellent Food when kill'd. God himself seems to have valu'd
the Oxe, it being reckned one of the most agreeable |
WHERE DID THE ROMANS GO? In the third century of the
Christian era, when the Roman power was in a declining state, a race of
barbarous people from Scythia, and the northern parts of Germany, began
to make inroads upon the Empire; and the r
In the early part of the fifth century, the Saxons, a race of people likewise from the north of Germany, were, from a similar cause, enabled to establish themselves in the Isle of Britain; and, soon after this, another race of people from Norway and Jutland (called Normans, or Men from the North), having failed in several attempts to gain a permanent footing in this island, ultimately settled on the opposite shores, and gave the name of Normandy to that part of Gaul which they had conquered. |
The World's Leader in Heraldry Art |
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