THE TRILLIUM FLOWER often associated with the Trinity
Trillium literally means "three parted lily, and it was Linnaeus (the naturalist) who created this fitting name to describe the tripleness of this forest wild flower. The State wild flower of the Ohio and the Provincial flower of Ontario (Canada), the Trillium can reach heights of 18 inches. With age they can turn to pink. Popular folklore says that if a Trillium is picked off a mountain, it will cause rain. The white trillium is a symbol of beauty, purity, healing and is often associated with the Trinity, a Christian doctrine, stating that God exists as three persons, or in the Greek hypostases, but is one being. The root was used by native North American Indians and the early settlers, for medicinal purposes. The Trillium is referred to by some as the Wake-Robin, likely because its an early spring bloomer, and by others as the Western lily, the latter resulting in the adoption of some of the symbolism associated with the European lily]
TORN (The Spinning Wheel)
An ancient name for a spinning wheel. It is said the spinning wheel was probably invented in India, though its origins are obscure. It reached Europe via the Middle East in the European Middle Ages. The Saxon, or Saxony wheel, introduced in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century, incorporated a bobbin on which the yarn was wound continuously; the distaff on which the raw fibre was held became a stationary vertical rod, and the wheel was actuated by a foot treadle, thus freeing both of the operator's hands.
Another of the many weavers symbols often found in heraldry. Other than being an emblem representative of the trade, the spinning wheel has no heraldic symbolism that the author could find. |
HERALDIC TIGER emblem of authority and power.
The Tiger often took the place of the lion as King of Beasts in Eastern mythology. It's symbolic of royalty, power, and fearlessness, and was known to be dangerous if aroused. In China the Tiger is Lord of the 'land animals' and is an emblem of authority and power. The Chinese have long held the Tiger in high esteem and regard; in folklore, they called it "Hu-Fu" or 'tiger seal' and is considered undisputedly the king of all animals and one of the few important celestial beings after the dragon and phoenix. It is the emblem of some military officers, typifying war, might and courage. Evidence dating from the Warring States of China shows that the token used by emperors and generals for military manoeuvres was structured in the form of a Tiger.
In Japan, although it is a mythical animal only, it is said to live a thousand years and was adopted as an emblem of the warrior class. In India, Durga rides a tiger, and Siva is often shown wearing a tiger skin.
Bacchus (Roman god of wine) had his cart drawn by tigers, and tigers drawn by artists crouching at the feet of Bacchus, are documented well.
Since antiquity, the fearless tiger has played a significant role in royalty and the military, and for centuries was the emblem of authority and power. |
THE OSPREY Represents those of vision the Osprey is the only bird of prey that feeds solely on live fish. Known for its acuity of sight, the Osprey has been used to represent those of vision; it is also a symbol of abundance and long used as a totem of the Fisherman.The osprey (Pandion haliaetus), sometimes known as the sea hawk, fish eagle, river hawk or fish hawk, is a diurnal, fish-eating bird of prey. It is a large raptor, reaching more than 60 cm (24 in) in length and 180 cm (71 in) across the wings. It is brown on the upperparts and predominantly greyish on the head and under-parts.
The osprey tolerates a wide variety of habitats, nesting in any location near a body of water providing an adequate food supply. It is found on all continents except Antarctica, although in South America it occurs only as a non-breeding migrant. |
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