Armorial Gold's Heraldry Dictionary |
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Heraldry Dictionary Section E Eagle. Emblematical of fortitude and magnanimity of mind. The Romans used the figure of an eagle for their ensign, and their example has been often followed. It is the Device of Russia, Austria, Germany, the United States of America and the Emperors of France. In Blazon, when the talons, or claws and beak, are of a different tincture to the other part, it is said to be armed of such a colour. When the claws or talons are borne in arms, they should be turned towards the dexter side of the escutcheon, unless expressed to the contrary. An eagle displayed with two heads is commonly called a Spread Eagle, symbolical of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire. An eagle's leg erased at the thigh is termed á la quise. Eaglet. A term used by some Heralds to express small eagles when several are borne in a coat. Eared. When the ears of animals differ in tincture from the body, they are blazoned eared of such a tincture. This term also applies to corn, when the stalk or blade differs from the ear in tincture. Earl. A title next below a Marquess. The Earl is distinguished by his Coronet and Mantle. See Coronet and Robe. The wife of an Earl is called Countess. The eldest son of an Earl is by courtesy a Viscount, his other sons are "Honourable," and all the daughters Ladies. Earl Marshal of England. A great officer, who had, anciently, several courts under his jurisdiction, as the Court of Chivalry and the Courts of Honour. Under him is the Herald's office, or College of Arms. The office of Earl Marshal belongs by hereditary right to the Duke of Norfolk. Eastern Crown or Coronet. Also termed Antique Crown. Ecaille. Scaled. Ecartele. Quartering. Ecartele en sautoir. Party per Saltire. Eclipsed. Is said of the Sun and Moon when either partially or wholly obscured, the face and rays being sable. Ecusson. An inescutcheon. Ecusson á bouche. See á bouche. Edmund St. Banner of. Az. three Crowns or. Eel. A fish. Eel-Spear. An instrument for catching eels. Effeare or Effare. Salient, or springing. Effellonie. Said of a lion when drawn as salient, but in a perfect upright position. Effett. A lizard. Effraye. Rampant. Eft. A lizard. Eguisce, Eguisee or Aiguisee. Same as pointed, or urdee. Eightfoil. A double Quaterfoil. Elephant. A Quadruped. A very appropriate bearing for those who have distinguished themselves in the East, and is of common use in Armory. Elephants are borne in Coat Armour with and without Castles on their backs. The trunk is also frequently met with as a bearing, and is always blazoned a Proboscis. Elevated. Raised applied to the wings of birds when open and upright. Elk. A large quadruped of the Stag kind. Elles. See Ailes. Emanche, Maunch, Manche or Maunche. A sleeve. Emaunchee. A term used by Ferne for Dacette of two pieces. Emaux de l'Escu. The metal and colour of the shield. Embatalid. See Crenelle. Embattled or Imbattled. Also termed Crenelle. When the Ordinary, or Lines of partition are formed like the battlements of a Castle. Embattled counter-embattled. When both sides of an ordinary have embattlements. Emblem. An illusive picture, a painted enigma. Emblem of the Sacrament. Shield. Gu. three cups or., at the top of each a plate (wafer). Emblems of the Passion. See Instruments of the Passion. Emblem of the Crucifixion. Shield. Ar. a heart wounded between a dexter and sinister hand in chief, and a dexter and sinister foot pierced in base gu. Emblem of St. Paul. Shield. Gu. two swords in saltire ppr. Emblem of St. Peter. Shield. Gu. two keys in saltire or. Emblem of the Trinity. The Shield is cither gu. or az. The device four plates, two in chief, one in tlie middle point, and one in base, conjoined to each other by an Orle, and a pall ar. See Trinity. Embordured or Embordered. Said of a Bordure when of the tincture as the field. Embowed. When the arm is bent back, with the elbow to the dexter. Embowed Contrary or Counter Embowed. Bowed to the sinister side. Embowed Debruised. The tail of a serpent is termed Embowed debruised when turned round, the end overlaid by the fold, and projecting underneath. Embowed Dejected. i.e. bowed with the extremity turned downwards. Embraced. Braced together, tied, or bound. Also used to express a dexter and sinister arm embowed. Embracing. The serpents in the Caduceas are sometimes so termed. Embrasure. The interval between the cop's of a battlement. Embrued. Any weapon depicted with blood on it. Emeaux de l'escu. Tinctures of the shield. Emerald. A precious stone, and in blazoning signifies green. Emerasses. Small escutcheons fixed to the shoulders of an armed Knight. Emet. See Emmet. Emew or Emeu. See Emu. Emitting. Sending forth fire, rays, etc. Emmancee, Viuree and Serrated. Indented. Emmanche. Dancettée of two. See Emaunchee. Emu or Cassowary. An Australian bird. Enaluron. A term to express a bordure charged with birds, the number must be named. Enarchee. Arched or Enarched. Enarmed. See Attired. En Arriere. i.e. going forward, anything with its back in view. Enceppe. Fettered, Chained or Girt, about the middle as the Monkey. Encircled. Surrounded with anything. See Eufiled. Enclave or Inclave. Anything jointed or let one into the other. Enclosed. The same as Between. Encountering. Opposed to each other. Encoupled. Joined together. See Interlaced. Endenchee or Endentée, Indented. See Indentee. Endorce, Endorse or Indorse. A diminutive of the Pale of which it is one eighth part. Endorse. As the preceding. Seldom borne but when a pale is between two of them. Endorsed, Indorsed or Addorsed. Placed back to back. Enfield. A fictitious animal having the head of a Fox, chest of a Greyhound, fore claws, or talons of an Eagle, body of a Lion, hind legs and tail of a Wolf. Enfiladed. See Enfiled. Enfiled. Sometimes expressed by the term pierced through, or transfixed. When the blade of a sword, shaft of a spear, etc., is passed through any charge, such as the head of a man, boar, etc., it is said to be enfiled with that charge. Any other bearing may be similarly ended, e.g. The Badge of the Prince of Wales is three Ostrich feathers, enfiled with a Prince's coronet. Englante. Term for an Oak tree fructed. Englishman's Head. See Head. Englislet. An escutcheon of Pretence. Engouled, Engoulant, Devouring, Gorging, Ingullant or Swallowing. Applied to animals, fish, etc., in the act of swallowing anything. Engoulee. A term for crosses, saltires, etc., when their extremities enter the mouths of lions, leopards, etc. Engrailed. A term to express the edge of any ordinary when composed of semicircular indents. Engresle. See Engrailed. Engrossing-Block. A tool used by wire-drawers. Enguiche. A term used to describe the great mouth of a hunting horn, when the rim is of a different tincture from the horn itself. Enhanced. Removed above its proper place. Enhendee. A Cross so called the same as a Cross potence. Enleve. See Enhanced. Enmanche. When the chief has lines drawn from the centre to the upper edge to the sides. En pied. A bear erect on its hind feet is said to be en pied. The term is also used for Statant. Enquirir Arms or Armes pour enquirir. Arms which, being contrary to the general rule, excite enquiry why the grantor should have placed metal upon metal, or colour upon colour, as in the Arms of Jerusalem, viz. ar. a cross-crosslet cantoned with four plain crosses or. said to symbolize the five wounds of Christ. See Inquire Arms of. Enrased. The same as Indented. Ensign. A Flag. See also Banner, Flag, and Standard. The ensign of the Royal Navy is white with St. George's cross cantoned with the Union Jack. The Naval Reserve is blue with the Union Jack in the dexter chief. That of the Merchant Service is a red flag with the Union Jack as the last. Ensigned. A shield, or charge, having a Crown, Coronet, Mitre, or Helmet, placed above it, is said to be ensigned with such a Crown, etc. En Surcoat, Surtout or Sur-le-tout. An escutcheon placed upon the centre of the Shield of Arms. Entangled. Fretted. Ente. Engrafted. Ente in Point. Grafted in point. Ente en Rond. Differs from Indented, inasmuch that the cuts are made round in and out. Ente. A partition of the field like nebulée. Entire. Throughout; also termed fixed, or firm, being attached to the sides of the shield as a Cross pattée entire. Entoire, Entoyer or Entoyre. A term used when the bordure is charged with inanimate things as a bordure entoyre of escallops. Entoured. A term to express a shield externally decorated with branches, or ornaments not heraldic. Entrailed. An outline only, as a cross entrailed. Entwined. Anything twisted round something else; as a snake entwined round a rod, etc. Entwisted or Annodated. The same as Entwined, the folds being more open. Enurny. Said of a bordure when charged with animals. Envecked. See Invecked. Enveloped, Enwrapped or Inwrapped. See Entwined. Environed or Environnée bound round, or about. The same as wreathed. Enwarped. The same as Enveloped. Enwrapt or Enwrapped. Same as Entwined. Epaulier. The armour on the shoulder. Epimacus. See Opinicus. Eploye. Displayed. Equippe. Armed at all points. Equipped. Applied to a horse when furnished with all his trappings. Equire, Esquire or Squire. Similar to the Gyron; it is also termed Base Esquire. Equise. Same as Aiguise. Equites aurati. Golden horsemen, i.e. Knights with golden spurs. Eradicated. Torn up by the roots. Erased or Erazed. Torn off, having a jagged edge. It also expresses the lower part of the neck when of a different colour from the rest. Observe if the head were per-fesse the partition line would be in the centre. Erect. Upright. Erect. Applied to wings when extending outwards. Erected endorsed. Two things borne upright, back to back. Erm. Contraction for Ermine. Ermeyn. See Ermine. Ermine. A little animal about the size of a squirrel, and borne by several families as their Crest. Ermine. A white fur with black tufts. Ermines. Also a fur, being black, with white tufts. Erminois. A fur of gold and black tufts. The opposite fur to this i.e. black with gold tints is termed Pean. Erminetes or Erminites. Another fur with black tuft, having a red hair on each side of it. Ermyn. Same as Ermine. Erne. An eagle. Errant. An old term for haurient. Escallop-Shell. A badge much used by Pilgrims, and is a common bearing in Coat Armour. Escallopee or Counter Scallopee. Also termed Papellonne. Escarp. A scarf, or band. As a sheaf of arrows bound with an escarf. Escarbuncle. Is always depicted with eight points, if not named to the contrary. In the Arms of Pherpowe is an escarbuncle of six points or rays, and in those of Ruthfio one of twelve points. Sometimes blazoned an escarbuncle pomete and florety, or pomette and florette. The Carbuncles, or Escarbuncles were originally merely ornamental points of the shield. It is said from the Boss was developed the endless varieties of the Crosses which are abundant in armoury, and from the other strengthening bands of the shield were derived the ordinaries of the armorial system. Escarpe. Same as Scarpe. Escarrcned. Same as Chequy. Escartelee. When the straight line is cut off in the middle, witli a perfect square, into an ordinary or partition. It is also a French term for quartered or quarterly. Escartelled. Cut, or notched in a square form; a Pattec escartelle. Escartelled-counter or Double. The same as per bend, two piles triple pointed, bowed and counterposed, bend sinisterwise counterchanged. Escattle grady. Same as escartele grady, or embattled grady. Eschecque. Same as Checquy. Esclatte. A shiver, or splinter, anything violently broken off. Escaloppe. See Escallopee. Escocheon. See Escutcheon. Escroll, Escrol, Scroll or Slip. A ribbon, on which the motto is placed. Esculapius-rod. A rod entwined by a snake, which was the form assumed by Esculapius the God of healing, when he was brought from Greece to Rome in a season of great sickness. Escutcheon, Escusson, Escocheon or Escu. The shield with the arms painted on it, in opposition to the Ecu which was a shield without device. The shield may be of any shape, but the oldest escutcheons are like a Gothic arch reversed, and are called the Roman or Heater shield. The surface of the escutcheon or shield is termed the Field, because it contains those marks of honour which were formerly acquired in the Field. These shields are of every imaginable shape, according to the fancy of the bearer, the only restriction now being that Ladies mast bear their Arms in a Lozenge. The Escutcheon has certain Points, distinguished for the place of the charges which the field contains. (See Points of Escutcheon.) It is also frequently divided by Lines, called either Partition lines, or Crooked lines, the former are known by the term Party, and of these there are seven, viz.: Party per Chevron, Party per Fesse, Party per Pala, Party per Cross, Party per Saltire, Party per Bend, and Party per Bend Sinister, usually blazoned Per Chevron, Per Fesse, etc. The Crooked Lines moat commonly met with are nine, called Engrailed, Invecked, Wavy, Nebule, Imbattled, or Embattled, Eaguly, Indented, Dancettée, and Dovetail. There are, however, many more used in Heraldry, but which are of rare occurrence. Escutcheon of Pretence. Is a shield on which a man carries the arms of his wife, when she is an Heiress, or Co-Heiress. It is placed in the centre of his own shield, and usually depicted of the same shape. Escutcheon, Points of. See Points of the Escutcheon. Escutcheons. Are sometimes borne as charges. Esquire. A gentleman ranking next below a Knight, formerly a Knight's shield-bearer; Escuver. The following persons are properly termed Esquires: The eldest sons of Knights and their eldest sons; the eldest sons of the younger sons of Noblemen. Those to whom the Sovereign has granted collars of S.S, or Gold or silver spurs; also the eldest sons of the latter. Esquires attendant on Knights of the Bath at their installation, and their eldest, sons. Sheriffs of Counties (for life); Justices of the Peace (while in commission); Special 0fficers of the Royal household; and all, under the degree of Knight near the Royal person. Such officers of the Navy and Army as are addressed as such in their patents of commission, with their eldest sons, Counsellors of Law, Bachelors of Divinity, Law, and Physics. Mayors of Towns are only Esquires by Courtesy. No property whatever conveys the title. Esquire, Equire, or Squire. Is similar to the Gyron it may extend across the shield; termed also a Base Esquire. Essonier. A diminutive of the Orle. Essorant. An Eagle standing on the ground, with the wings somewhat lifted up, is said to be Essorant. Estendant. A standard. Estoile. A star of six waved points. When the estoile has more than six points, the number should be expressed. When of eight or more points half should be straight and half waved. Estoyle. Same as Estoile. Etete. A term used to signify a beast headless. Etoyle. See Estoile. Etoile. See Estoile. Etoilee Cross or Cross Estoilee. A star with only four long rays, in the form of a cross. Ewer. A pot or cream-ewer. Exasperated. Depicted in a furious attitude. Expanded and Expansed. Same as displayed. Extendant. Laid open in full aspect; i.e. When any beast stands up, and stretches out the fore-legs on each side the body, so that the full face, breast, belly, and inner parts of the thighs are seen, it is blazoned extendant. Extended. The same as displayed. Extinguisher. See Candle Extinguisher. Eye. The emblem of Providence. Eyed. A term used in speaking of the variegated spots in the peacock's tail. Eyes. Are borne in Armory, and are emblems of vigilance and vivacity. Eyrant. Applied to birds in their nests. Eyry. The nest of a bird of prey.
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