Name | Motto | Translation |
D’Alton | Fortis et fidelis | Brave and faithful |
D’Anvers | Foi en loyalté | Faith in loyalty |
D’arcy | Un Dieu, un roi | One God, one king |
D’arcy | Ung Dieu, ung roi | One God, one king |
D’Eyncourt | En avant | Forward |
D’Oyley | Do no ylle, quoth D’Oylle | Do no ylle, quoth D’Oylle |
D’Oyly | Omne solum forti patria | Every land is a brave man’s country |
D’Urban | Cruci dum spiro fido | Whilst I have breath I confide in the cross |
D’Urban | In hoc signo spes mea | In this sign is my hope |
D’Urban | In hoc signo vinces | Under this sign thou shalt conquer |
D’Warris | Fortitudine | With fortitude |
Dackcombe | Virtutis robore robur | Strong as an oak in virtue’s strength |
Dacre | Pour bien dèsirer | For wishing well |
Dadley | In malos cornu | My horn against the bad |
Daeg | Malo mori quam fœdari | I would rather die than be disgraced |
Dailie | Laudes cano heroum | I sing the praise of heroes |
Dakyns | Strike Dakyns, the devil’s in the hempe | Strike Dakyns, the devil’s in the hempe |
Dale | Non arbitrio popularis aurœ | Not by the caprice of popular applause |
Dalgairns | Pour ma patrie | For my country |
Dalgleish | Deliciœ mei | My delight |
Dalhousie | Ora et labora | Pray and labour |
Dalison | D’accomplier Agincourt | To accomplish Agincourt |
Dall | Coronat fides | Faith crowns all |
Dallas | Lux venit ab alto | Light comes from above |
Dallas | Semper paratus | Always prepared |
Dalling | Au bon droit | With good right |
Dalmahoy | Absque metu | Without fear |
Dalrimple | Firm | Firm |
Dalrymple | Firm | Firm |
Dalrymple | Firmè | Resolutely |
Dalrymple | Moneo et munio | I advise and defend |
Dalsiel | I dare | I dare |
Dalton | Inter cruces triumphans in cruce | Amongst crosses, triumphing in the cross |
Dalton | Patientia victrix | Patience is victorious |
Daly | Deo et regi fidelis | Faithful to God and the king |
Dalyell | I dare | I dare |
Dalziell | I dare | I dare |
Damer | Tu ne cede malis | Yield not to misfortunes |
Dames | Virtute et prudentiâ | By virtue and prudence |
Dampier | Dominus petra mea | The Lord is my rock |
Dance | Virtutem sequitur fama | Fame follows virtue |
Daniel | Labor omnia vincit | Perseverance overcomes all difficulties |
Daniel | Pro lege et patria | For law and country |
Daniel | Toujours pret, or prest | Always ready |
Daniell | Pro fide et patria | For faith and my country |
Daray | UngDieu et ung roy | One God and one king |
Darby | Ut cunque placuerit Deo | Howsoever it shall have pleased God |
Darby | Utcunque placuerit Deo | Howsoever it shall have pleased God |
Darch | Ubi libertas ibi patria | Where liberty prevails there is my country |
Dare | Loyauté sans tache | Loyalty without defect |
Darell | Trow to you | Trow to you |
Darit | Credo Christi cruce | I trust in the cross of Christ |
Darker | Il suffit | It sufficeth |
Darley | Vivitur ingenio | He lives by skill |
Darling | Deo donum | A gift from God |
Darlington | Cruci dum spiro spero | Whilst I breathe my hope is in the cross |
Darly | Utere loris | Use the reins |
Darnley | Finem respice | Consider the end |
Darnol | Vigueur l’amour de croix | The love of the cross gives strength |
Daroch | Be watchful | Be watchful |
Darsch | Be watchful | Be watchful |
Dartmouth | Gaudet tentamine virtus | Virtue exults in the trial |
Darymple | God send grace | God send grace |
Daubeney | Suaviter et fortiter | Mildly and firmly |
Davell | Penses comment | Think in what manner |
Davelle |
Omnia vincit veritas |
Truth conquers all things |
Davenport | Audaces fortuna juvat | Fortune favours the bold |
Davenport | Fortes adjuvat ipse Deus | God himself aideth the brave |
Davey | E perseverantia honor | Honour from perseverance |
Davidson | Sapienter si sincere | Wise if sincerely |
Davidson | Viget in cinere virtus | Virtue flourishes after death |
Davidson | Vin non semper floret | A man does not always flourish |
Davie | Auspice Christo | Under the guidance of Christ |
Davies | Benigno Numine | By benign providence |
Davies | Cœptis aspirate meis | Be favourable to my undertakings |
Davies | Deus tuetur | God defends |
Davies | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Davies | En Dieu est tout | In God is everything |
Davies | Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon | Without God without anything, God is enough |
Davies | Honor virtutem coronat | Honour crowns virtues |
Davies | Invidere sperno | I scorn to envy |
Davies | Sic itur ad astra | Such is the way to immortality |
Davies | Solem ferre possum | I can bear the sun |
Davies | Toraf cyn plygaf | I’ll break before I’ll bend |
Davies | Virtute duce, comite fortunâ | With valour my leader and good fortune my companion |
Davis | Cresco per crucem | I increase by the cross |
Davis | Decide | Decide |
Davis | I will | I will |
Davis | Malgré le tort | Despite of wrong |
Davis | Trust in God | Trust in God |
Davis | Utile secernere honestum | To separate the honourable from the useful |
Davison | Merses profundo pulchrior evenit | Sink him in the sea he comes out fairer |
Davy | El hombre propone, Dios dispone | Man proposes, God disposes |
Davy | Igne constricto, vita secura | Fire being restrained life is secure |
Davy | Vim da vi honestœ | Give strength to honourable force |
Davys | Sustenta la drechura | Endure misfortune |
Dawson | Alte volat | He flies high |
Dawson | Deeds not words | Deeds not words |
Dawson | Fidelitas regi et justitia mihi | Fidelity to the king and justice to myself |
Dawson | Penser peu de soi | To think little of one’s self |
Dawson | Toujours propice | Always propitious |
Dawson | Vitœ via virtus | Virtue is the way of life |
Dax | Nil sine labore | Nothing without labour |
Day | Animum rege | Rule thy mind |
Day | Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice | Either never attempt or accomplish |
Day | Facto non verbo | By deed not word |
Day | L’amour et l’amitié | Love and friendship |
Day | Sic itur ad astra | Such is the way to immortality |
Dayman | Toujours pret, or prest | Always ready |
Dayrell | Secure vivere mors est | To live securely (i.e. without caution) is death |
Dayrell | Virtus mille scuta | Virtue equals a thousand shields |
De Avan | Y ddioddefws orfu | He who has suffering has conquered |
De Bathe | Nec parvis sisto | I do not continue in obscurity |
De Beauvoir | Conduct is fate | Conduct is fate |
De Blaquiere | Tiens à la vérité | Adhere to truth |
De Burgh | Nec parvis sisto | I do not continue in obscurity |
De Burgh | Un roy, une foy, une loy | One king, one faith, one law |
De Burgho | A cruce salus | Salvation from the cross |
De Burgo | Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy | One king, one faith, one law |
De Cardonnel | L’esperance me console | Hope consoles me |
De Cardonnell | Tant que je puis | As much as I can |
De Clifford | Le roy le veut | It is the king’s pleasure |
De Freyne | Malo mori quam fœdari | I would rather die than be disgraced |
De Grey | Excitari non hebescere | To be spirited, not inactive |
De Grey | Stat religione parentum | He continues in the religion of his forefathers |
De La Beche | Garde la foy | Keep the faith |
De La Field | Fest | Firm |
De La Field | In cruce spes mea | In the cross is my hope |
De La Field | Insignia fortuna paria | My desire and my fortune are matched |
De Lantour | Pour Dieu et mon pays | For God and my country |
De Luders | Non deludere | Not to delude |
De Meuron | Tu ne cede malis | Yield not to misfortunes |
De Molines | Vivere sat vincere | To conquer is to live enough |
De Montemorency | Deus nobis quis contra? | God for us, who shall be against us? |
De Montmorency | Dieu ayde | God assists |
De Ponthien | Plutot rompe que plie | Sooner break than bend |
De Rinzey | Facta non verba | Deeds not words |
De Ros | Crom a boo | Crom for ever |
De Saumarez | In Deo spero | I place my hope in God |
De Tuch | Bien sûr | Well sure |
De Turri | Turris fortissima Deus | God is the strongest tower |
De Vere | Vero nihil verius | Nothing truer than truth, or than Vere |
De Vesci | Sub hoc signo vinces | Under this sign thou shalt conquer |
De Winton | Estote fideles | Be ye faithful |
De Winton | Syn ar dy hun | Know thyself |
Deacon | Deo et regi asto | I stand by God and the king |
Deacon | In utroque paratus | Prepared in either case |
Deacon | Seek quiet | Seek quiet |
Deane | Ferendo non feriendo | By bearing not by striking |
Deane | Forti et fideli nihil difficile | To the brave and faithful man nothing is difficult |
Deans | Arte vel Marte | By art or force |
Deans | Vel arte vel Marte | Either by art or strength |
Dearden | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Deardon | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Dease | Toujours pret, or prest | Always ready |
Decies | Nil nisi cruce | Nothing unless by the cross |
Dee | Hic labor | This is the difficulty |
Dee | Hoc opus | This is the task |
Deerham | Virtute me involvo | I wrap myself in my virtue |
DeGrey | Qualis ab incepto | The same as from the beginning |
Deitavilland | Dominus fortissima turris | The Lord is the strong tower |
Delacherois | Fac et spera | Do and hope |
Delamere | Cassis tutissima virtus | Virtue is the safest helmet |
Delap | E spinis | From among thorns |
Delap | Merito | Deservedly |
Delaval | Dieu me conduise | God guide me! |
Deline | Esse quam videri | To be rather than seem to be |
Delop | Merito | Deservedly |
Delves | Je defie fortune | I defy fortune |
Delves | Je ne puis | I cannot |
Delway | Esto quod audes | Be what you dare |
Dempster | Fortiter et strenuè | Boldly and earnestly |
Dempster | Mors aut vita decora | Either death or honourable life |
Denbigh | Crescit sub pondere virtus | Virtue thrives beneath oppression |
Denbigh | Virtutis prœmium honor | Honour is the reward of virtue |
Dendy | Per ardua stabilis esto | Be firm through difficulties |
Dendy | Perseverando | By persevering |
Dendy | Respicio sine luctu | I look back without sorrow |
Denham | Cura dat victoriam | Caution gives victory |
Denham | Juvant aspera probum | Misfortunes benefit the good man |
Denison | Adversa virtute repello | I repel adversity by virtue |
Denison | Divide et impera | Divide and rule |
Dennis | Suaviter sed fortiter | Mildly, but firmly |
Dennistoun | Adversa virtute repello | I repel adversity by virtue |
Denny | Et mea messis erit | My harvest will also arrive |
Dent | Concordia et industria | By concord and industry |
Dent | Patientia et perseverantia | With patience and perseverance |
Denys | Hora è sempre | Now and always |
Derby | Sans changer | Without changing |
Dereham | Virtute me involvo | I wrap myself in my virtue |
Dering | Semni ne semni | I can do nothing without God |
Dering | Terrere nolo, timere nescio | I wish not to intimidate, and know not how to fear |
Derrick | Virtute non vi | By virtue not by force |
Des Vœux | Altiora in votis | Higher things are the object of my wishes |
Desart | Virtus repulsœ nescia sordidœ | Virtue unconscious of base repulse |
Desse | Vigilo | I watch |
Deuchar | Virtutis gloria merces | Glory is the reward of valour |
Deucher Lizars | Verus ad finem | True to the end |
Devan | Non sibi solum | Not alone for self |
Devas | Virtute et opera | By virtue and energy |
Devenish | Omnia Providentiœ committo | I commit all things to Providence |
Devenish | Spero et captivus nitor | I hope, and though a captive I strive |
Devereux | Basis virtutum constantia | Constancy is the foundation of all virtue |
Devereux | Virtutis comes invidia | Envy is the companion of virtue |
Devizmes | J’aspire | I aspire |
Devon | Sermoni consona facta | Deeds agreeing with words |
Devon | Ubi lapsus? Quid feci? | Whither have I fallen? What have I done? |
Devonshire | Cavendo tutus | Safe by being cautious |
Dewar | Gloria non prœda | Glory to the father |
Dewhurst | Spes mea in Deo | My hope is in God |
Deyvelle | Penses comment | Think in what manner |
Dezom | Ducit Dominus | The Lord leads |
Dicey | Fide et amore | By fidelity and love |
Dick | At spes infracta | Yet my hope is unbroken |
Dick | Publica salus mea merces | The public security is my reward |
Dick | Semper fidelis | Always faithful |
Dick | Spes infracta | My hope is unbroken |
Dick | Via tuta virtus | Virtue is a safe path |
Dick | Virtute | By virtue |
Dick | Virtuti | To virtue |
Dickens | Honesta quam splendida | Honour rather than splendour |
Dickens | Hostis honori invidia | Envy is an enemy to honour |
Dickens | In hoc signo vinces | Under this sign thou shalt conquer |
Dickin | Vincit veritas | Truth conquers |
Dickman | Diligentia | Diligence |
Dickson | Cœlum versus | Heavenward |
Dickson | Fortes fortuna juvat | Fortune favours the bold |
Digby | Deo non fortunâ | By Providence, not by fortune |
Dillon | Auxilium ab alto | Aid from above |
Dillon | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Dillwyn | Craignez honte | Fear shame |
Dimsdale | Magnus Hippocrates; tu nobis major! | Great Hippocrates! Thou art greater than we |
Dine | J’ai espoir mieux avoir | I hope for better things |
Dingwall | Deo favente | By the favour of God |
Dinorben | Rhad Duw a ryddid | God’s grace and liberty |
Dinwiddle | Ubi libertas ibi patria | Where liberty prevails there is my country |
Dishington | Unica spes mea Christus | Christ is my only hope |
Disney | Et decus et pretium recti | Both the honour and the reward of rectitude |
Disraeli | Forti nihil difficile | Nothing is difficult to the brave |
Divire | Sedulitate | By diligence |
Dixon | Dixi, Dixi | I have said, I have said |
Dixon | Fide et constantia | By fidelity and constancy |
Dixon | In recto fides | Faith in rectitude |
Dixon | Peace | Peace |
Dixon | Spes somnium vigilantis | Hope is the dream of a waking man |
Dixon | Suivez raison | Follow reason |
Dixwell | Lux Dei ibi salus | In the light of God there is safety |
Dobbs | Amor Dei et proximi summa beatitudo | The love of God and our neighbour is the highest happiness |
Dobie | Non minima sed magma prosequor | I follow not trivial, but important things |
Dobree | Spe vivitur | We live in hope |
Dod | In copia cautus | Careful amid plenty |
Doddridge | Dum vivimus, vivamus | While we live let us live |
Dodede | Droit à chacun | To each his right |
Dogsworth | Pro lege, senatuque rege | For law, senate, and sovereign |
Doig | Ne cede malis | Yield not to misfortunes |
Doller | Fortes fortuna juvat | Fortune favours the bold |
Dolling | Spero | I hope |
Dolphin | Firmum in vita nihil | Nothing in life is permanent |
Dolphin | In cœlo quies | There is rest in heaven |
Domville | Qui stat caveat ne cadat | Let him who standeth take heed lest he fall |
Don | Non deerit alter aureus | Another golden fruit will not be wanting |
Don | Suum cuique | To every man his own |
Donald | Fac et spera | Do and hope |
Donald | Toujours pret, or prest | Always ready |
Donaldson | Aut pax aut bellum | Either peace or war |
Donaldson | Nulla inimicus ero | I will be an enemy to no one |
Donaldson | Steer steady | Steer steady |
Donegal | Gardez bien | Watch well |
Donegal | Invitum sequitut honor | Honour follows one who desires it not |
Donegall | Honor sequitur fugientem | Honour follows him who shuns it |
Donelan | Omni violentia major | Too strong for any violence |
Doneraile | Haut et bon | High and good |
Donkin | Disce pati | Learn to endure |
Donkin | In meliora spera | Hope for better things |
Donoughmore | Fortiter gerit crucem | He bravely supports the cross |
Donovan | Adjuvante Deo in hostes | God aiding against enemies |
Donville | Pax alma redit | Fair peace returns |
Doran | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Dorchester | Quondam his vicimus armis | We formerly conquered with these arms |
Dorien | In arduis viget virtus | Virtue flourishes in adversity |
Dormer | Cio che Dio vuole, io voglio | What God wills, I will |
Dorset | Aut nunquam tentes aut perfice | Either never attempt or accomplish |
Dossey | Manus hœc inimica tyrannis | This hand is hostile to tyrants |
Douce | Celer et vigilans | Quick and watchful |
Doughty | Palma non sine pulvere | The palm is not obtained without labour |
Doughty | Pugna pro patriâ | Fight for your country |
Douglas | Audax et promptus | Bold and ready |
Douglas | Do or die | Do or die |
Douglas | Fortis et fidelis | Brave and faithful |
Douglas | Fortune le veut | Fortune so wills it |
Douglas | God for us | God for us |
Douglas | In cruce glorior | I glory in the cross |
Douglas | Jamais arrière | Never behind |
Douglas | Lock sicker | Be sure |
Douglas | Meliora sperando | By hoping better things |
Douglas | Per varios casus | By various fortunes |
Douglas | Petiti ardua virtus | Virtue seeks difficulties |
Douglas | Pro patria | For my country |
Douglas | Quœ serata secura | Things locked up are safe |
Douglas | Sapientia et veritas | Wisdom and truth |
Douglas | Spero meliora | I hope for better things |
Douglas | Sursum | Upwards |
Douglas | Tandem fit surculus arbor | A shoot (or bush) at length becomes a tree |
Douglass | Meliora speranda | Better fortunes in expectancy |
Dover | Do ever good | Do ever good |
Dovers | Nihil utile quod non honestum | Nothing dishonest or dishonourable is useful |
Dow | Patience | Patience |
Dow | Patiens | Patient |
Dowie | Patience | Patience |
Dowling | Fortis et egregius | Bold and excellent |
Downe | Timet pudorem | He dreads shame |
Downes | A cruce salus | Salvation from the cross |
Downie | Ex undis aratra | Ploughs from the waves |
Downie | Hold fast | Hold fast |
Downing | Ne vous importer jamais | Never be too eager |
Downs | Parle bien ou parle rien | Speak well or say nothing |
Downshire | Ne tentes aut perfice | Attempt not or accomplish |
Doyle | Fortitudine vincit | He conquers by fortitude |
Doyle | Lybia | Africa |
Doyne | Mullac a boo | Victory for the Duns, or inhabitants of the Hills. Or the inhabitants, i.e. the Duns, defying |
Draghorn | Utitur ante quœsitis | He uses what has been gained (or sought for) before |
Drago | Invidia major | Superior to envy |
Drake | Aquila non captat muscas | The eagle catcheth not flies |
Drake | Auxilio divino | By divine aid |
Drake | Fortiter et rectè | Boldly and rightly |
Drake | Per ardua | Through difficulties |
Dramond | Miseris succurrere disco | I learn to succour the unfortunate |
Draper | Vicit, pepercit | He conquered, he spared |
Drax | Mort en droit | Death in the right |
Drew | Drogo nomen, et virtus arma dedit | Drogo is my name, and valour gave me arms |
Drinkwater | Labore omnia florent | All things flourish with industry |
Drinkwater | Ne quid nimis | Not too much of anything |
Drogheda | Fortis cadere, cedere non potest | The brave man may fall, but cannot yield |
Drogo | Drogo nomen, et virtus arma dedit | Drogo is my name, and valour gave me arms |
Drought | Semper sitiens | Always thirsty |
Drummond | Ad astra per ardua | To the stars through difficulties |
Drummond | Consequitur quodcunque petit | He hits whatever he aims at |
Drummond | Cum corde | With the heart |
Drummond | Deus providebit | God will provide |
Drummond | Dum spiro spero | While I have breath I hope |
Drummond | Et Marte et arte | Both by valour and skill |
Drummond | Gang warily | Gang warily |
Drummond | Have at all | Have at all |
Drummond | Hos gloria reddit honores | Glory confers these honours |
Drummond | Lord, have mercy! | Lord, have mercy! |
Drummond | Loyal au mort | Loyal to the dead |
Drummond | Marte et arte | By valour and skill |
Drummond | Nil timeo | I fear nothing |
Drummond | Prius mori quam fidem fallere | Rather die than break faith |
Drummond | Renovate animos | Renew your courage |
Drummond | Spes mea, res mea | My hope is my estate |
Drummond | Sto, mobilis | I stand, but am easily moved |
Drummond | Per mare, per terras | By sea and land |
Drumson | Spectemur agendo | Let us be viewed by our actions |
Drury | Non sine anchora | Not without an anchor |
Drury | Droyt et devaunt | Right and forward |
Drysdale | Non sine anchora | Not without an anchor |
Drysdale | Per varios casus | By various fortunes |
Du Bisson | Nil impossibile | Nothing is impossible |
Du Rien | Bien faire et ne rien dire | To do good and to say nothing |
Du Rien | Bien faire et ne rien dire | To do good and to say nothing |
Du Rien | Bien faire, et ne rien craindre | To do good, and to fear nothing |
Du Rien | Bien faire, et ne rien craindre | To do good, and to fear nothing |
Duberly | Res non verba | Facts not words |
Duc de | Benefacere et lœtari | To do well and be glad |
Duc De Broglie | Pour l’advenir | For the future |
Ducie | Perseverando | By persevering |
Duckett | Je veux le droit | I desire that which is just |
Duckett | Je veux le droict | I desire that which is just |
Duckett | Malo pati quam fœdari | I prefer suffering to disgrace |
Duckett | Spectemur agendo | Let us be viewed by our actions |
Duckinfield | Ubi amor ibi fides | Where there is love there is faith |
Duckworth | Disciplina, fide, perseverantia | By discipline, fidelity, and perseverance |
Duckworth | Minorca | Minorca |
Duckworth | St. Domingo | St. Domingo |
Duckworth | St. Domingo | St. Domingo |
Duddingstoun | Recreat et alit | It amuses and nourishes |
Dudgeon | With heart and hand | With heart and hand |
Dudley | Droit et loyal | Just and loyal |
Dudley | Galea spes salutis | Hope is the helmet of salvation |
Duerryhouse | Fortitudine | With fortitude |
Duff | Deo juvante | By God’s assistance |
Duff | Omnia fortunœ committo | I commit all things to fortune |
Duff | Virtute et opera | By virtue and energy |
Duffas | Sub spe | Under hope |
Dufferin | Per vias rectas | By right ways |
Duffield | Esto semper fidelis | Be ever faithful |
Duffus | Without fear | Without fear |
Dugdale | Perseverando | By persevering |
Dugdale | Pestis patriœ pigrities | Sloth is the bane of a country |
Duiguid | Patientia et spe | With patience and hope |
Duine | Celer atque fidelis | Active and faithful |
Duke | Gradatim vincimus | We conquer by degrees |
Dukes | Constanter | With constancy |
Dumbreck | Nocentes prosequor | I prosecute the bad |
Dumergue | Factis non verbis | By deeds not words |
Dun | Mecum habita | Dwell with me |
Dunally | In omnia paratus | Ready for all things |
Dunbar | Firmior quo paratior | The more prepared, the stronger |
Dunbar | Fortis et fidelis | Brave and faithful |
Dunbar | Impromptu | In readiness |
Dunbar | In promptu | In readiness |
Dunbar | Olet et sanat | It smells sweet and heals |
Dunbar | Ornat fortem prudentia | Prudence adorns the brave |
Dunbar | Prœcipitatus attamen tutus | Cast down, yet safe |
Dunbar | Sapiens non eget | The wise man never wants |
Dunbar | Sapit qui laborat | He is wise who exerts himself |
Dunbar | Spes dabit auxilium | Hope will lend aid |
Dunbar | Sub spe | Under hope |
Dunboyne | Timor Domini fons vitœ | The fear of the Lord is the fountain of life |
Duncan | Disce pati | Learn to endure |
Duncan | Vivat veritas | Let truth endure |
Duncanson | Mens et manus | Heart and hand |
Dunch | Ante omnia erit | It will be before all things |
Dunckerley | Honestas et fortitudo | Honour and courage |
Duncombe | Deo, regi, patriœ | To God, my king, my country |
Duncombe | Non fecimus ipsi | We have not done these things ourselves |
Dundas | Arte vel Marte | By art or force |
Dundas | Essayez | Try |
Dundas | Essayez hardiment | Try boldly |
Dundas | Et arma et virtus | Both arms and virtue |
Dundas | Extinguo | I extinguish |
Dundas | Live in live | Live in live |
Dundee | Dei donum | The gift of God |
Dundonald | Virtute et labore | By valour and exertion |
Dunfermline | Semper | Always |
Duniguid | Patientia et spe | With patience and hope |
Dunlop | E spinis | From among thorns |
Dunlop | Merito | Deservedly |
Dunmore | Furth fortune, and fill the fetters | Furth fortune, and fill the fetters |
Dunmure | Spes anchora tuta | Hope is a safe anchor |
Dunn | Vigilans et audax | Vigilant and bold |
Dunne | Mullac a boo | Victory for the Duns, or inhabitants of the Hills. Or the inhabitants, i.e. the Duns, defying |
Dunnet | Non terra, sed aquis | Not by land, but by water |
Dunning | Studiis et rebus honestis | By study and honourable pursuits |
Dunraven | Quœ sursum volo videre | I wish to see heavenly things |
Dunsany | Festina lente | Be quick without impetuosity; or, as it may be punningly translated for the Onslow family, “On slow.” |
Dunscombe | Fidelitas vincit | Fidelity prevails |
Duntz | Nunquam prœponens | Never preferring |
Durant | Beati qui durant | Blessed are they who endure |
Durham | Augeor dum progedior | I increase as I proceed |
Durham | Le jour viendra | The day will come |
Durham | Ultra fert animus | The mind bears onwards |
Durham | Victoria non prœda | Victory, not booty |
Durham | Vive Deo | Live to God |
Durhame |
Ubi amor ibi fides |
Where there is love, there is faith |
Durnard | This I’ll defend | This I’ll defend |
Durno | Ex recto decus | Honour through rectitude |
Dutton | Servabo fidem | I will keep the faith |
Dyce | Decide and dare | Decide and dare |
Dyce-Sombre | Favente Numine | By the favour of Providence |
Dymocke | Gardez la foy | Keep the faith |
Dynevoe | Secret et hardi | Secret and bold |
Dynevor | Nihil alienum | Nothing foreign |
Dysart | Confido conquiesco | I trust and am contented |
Dyson | Cruci dum spiro fido | Whilst I have breath I confide in the cross |